Use Your Allusion

Remember that Bill Simmons-led site that failed? It's like that but worse!

One of my pet peeves is using "two thumbs up" to enthusiastically recommend something. They each have one thumb to contribute! Sigh.

I came down to the comments to see if anyone else was confused by that. How are people okay with this

It's also hurt a bit by the lines that people quoted from it were really annoying to hear quoted, "You're so money", etc., but maybe it's been long enough that that isn't as glaring any more.

I just bought a Switch (and BotW), and even though I won't have time in play it in earnest until Sunday, I am super excited despite it probably being a not the wisest decision—but it's video games, you got to make rash decisions to feed your own excitement sometimes.

I'm really glad someone familiar with the podcast reviewed this. Guess I'm going to get a subscription to Seeso, watch this, and cancel!

Also, like, are you referencing Love? So your epitome of an overweight white comedian is… Paul Rust?

I clicked on this thinking it would be a Forgotbusters-like entry. Apparently it was the 48th ranked box office for 1996 which is neither Forgotbusters or flop territory.

Part of the reason I'm pretty confident that this will be good is that most of their other stuff that I've checked out (The Adventure Zone, Amiibo Corner) has been so inventive and fun.

Yeah, glad Clint is doing the intro and they excised the "sexpert" part.

I didn't realize it was a thing until Billy on the Street has a segment compiling all his weird quotes on it. I think I'm with you on just thinking it's odd, though.

And delightfully reminiscent of "Das wagen phone ist ein…nuisance phone!"

I wish Shigeru Miyamoto was my uncle or something. He seems fun and nice.

Who was that country music star a few years ago who wrote some godawful song about wearing a confederate flag shirt, and his reasoning was "I'm from West Virginia, of course I love the confederate flag." You know, the state whose whole existence is due to them not wanting to be a part of the confederacy.

Rabin's reference to Hydra reminds me that I rewatched the Winter Soldier last night, and the idea of actual fucking Nazis being in control of the US government isn't so far fetched any more. Sigh.

I wish Amy Poehler would campaign in character as Leslie Knope for Hillary.

"I’m so delightful that there was a reference to the other Paperboy, who earned a Grammy nomination in ‘94 for the still-kind-of-great 'Ditty.'"

Dude that was 1986. Are you okay


Yes! You articulated what I was also feeling. It really is a feel-good show even though some of the embarrassing challenges are tough to watch.