
Never allow them a chance to enter the NFL, that guy is a total loser scumbag. He’s lucky it wasn’t me he was trying to kick in school, I always made the bullies non bullies after when they picked on the smaller kids. This guy doesn’t understand the sport, what was he supposed to just let him score a touchdown?

Counterpoint: He’s more than free to protest by not standing during the national anthem.

And also because of that, and I’m one of those that signed an enlistment contact instead of a multi-million football contact, I get to call him out for doing it.

You think that’s bad? I keep hearing about some rich guy saying America’s full of losers, worse than the worst war zones, that we’re run by crooked liars, that Russia’s great, etc. Really traitorous stuff. Of course the guy’s American, going after his own kind. Sad!

Jason Garret has offered to donate his backbone, since he rarely uses his.


Yeah seriously, what a little bitch. What was he even complaining about even afterwards? does he think that just because he was that close to scoring that no one should be touching him, seriously what a little prick. He should be benched for the rest of the season. Has to do all the work to stay on the team but

Uh, yeah, I was there. It was one of the more shameful things you’ll see in the game. We won the game, but ultimately lost a lot more than the game. I would love to see him miss at least half the season, if not more. If something like this happens again, I would like to see him banned from the game. I believe in

I love everybody, I don’t hold any ill will towards these people, but part of me thinks there may be some unfortunate underlying issues one may have experienced to make them want to get into this, or simply just extreme loneliness and finding a niche community that feels unique- less people, more special, know what I

I have a close friend who worked on Long Island Medium in editing and described it as the most soul crushing experience ever. He also thought that the woman was a piece of human trash for conning people. I imagine this is quite the same.

Well, to be clear, it’s two things, actually. The Chargers want both offset language and delay paying him his signing bonus, Bosa said he’s fine with one or the other, but not both.

I worked in an NFL front office for a spell (as a total lackey, this is not a humblebrag) and yes. When 90+% of your revenues are guaranteed for the year no matter what you do during said year, it’s not exactly a breeding ground for business excellence.

If Americans wanted to watch Rugby then they would watch Rugby. It turns out that Americans don’t want to watch Rugby.

If it doesn’t happen already, something cute and fuzzy should have to die any time the “only 10 mins of action in 3 hour time frame” hot take is vomited out of somebody’s face hole.

Toilet Paper: A while back Giri wrote a story about Nashville Hot Chicken and made note that people put toilet paper in the freezer to cool off their assfire. I have yet to try it but it sounds magical.

I grew up down the street from Larry’s house in Boston. He was always out raking leaves, mowing, taking out the trash, etc. No way that happens with current athletes.

If I had the means, every bowel movement would be followed with a light eucalyptus spritz administered by an English butler, followed by a robot dog licking the area clean. And then, I get a cupcake.

A hundred years ago an angry Austrian man didn’t get into art school and we got Hitler. Eighteen years ago an angry Austrian man got puked on. Dan, you’ve fucked us all.

. . . a breath mint for the anus.

Derek Jeter isn’t mowing fuck-all.

C'mon Drew, 100 bucks says Jeets has mowed a beav or two.