Johan Lieberal

The only good thing to probably come out of this? More Alicia Marie cosplay:

Here’s my issue with what many of my liberal friends and coworkers are arguing on this subject: their views are that if Clinton would have just done one or two of those small tactical things differently (Midwest ground operations, etc) then she would have won, so we just need to fix that, right?

Stout’s style is unique and instantly recognizable. He believes if you love a movie, you love the details of that movie, and his posters are completely jam-packed with every little morsel from a movie he can fit in

Why do we get this instead of a beautifully realized miniseries adaptation of The Once and Future King?

Too be fair, I don’t think the hypothetical ballot between Warren and “generic Democrat” is an apples-to-apples comparison. “Generic Democrat” is a person who you can project your beliefs and preconceived notions of what a “generic Democrat” is. You’re not exposed to all of their imperfections and inconsistencies in

There are multiple reasons why Sen. Warren, much as I like her as a Senator, wouldn’t be my top choice to run on the Democratic ticket in 2020. That is hardly evidence of a lack of support for progressive policies, and I find it very odd that they would conduct a hypothetical poll for only her, specifically. Why not

I’m not really going to trust a poll in 2016 about the 2020 election.

They also leave out the fact Trump broke the vaunted “Blue Wall” because he’s not a conservative, Trump is non-ideological. I keep telling my left wing friends by going hard left your forcing right leaning voters to choose between a man they despite in Trump and something they fear in a Warren/Sanders. Not very good

I am pretty much the textbook definition of the moderate Democrat, middle aged professional East Coast Liberal, voted HRC in the election, poo pooed Bernie’s election chances. And even I think the Democrat Party needs Ellison and strong tack to the Left. Enough of is enough!

lol come on man. Ellison has done so much more than simply be endorsed by Bernie, such as running and winning multiple elections (with higher turnout each year!), something that is central to the DNC, and something Tom Perez has never done. Perez seems decent, sure, but he also seems very clearly to be the candidate

Wow, results from one random poll! My opinions are shattered!

My dude, Obama was a once-a-century charismatic talent and he still oversaw the loss of 900+ state legislature seats to the GOP in his tenure

I don’t think you understand the role of the DNC Chair, which is to fundraise and organize, two things that Ellison is empirically better at than Perez, who has worked 1 country level election.

What’s especially cool about this is that Perez is only running for DNC chair because the more logical office for him to seek, Governor of Maryland, his home state, is considered by the Democratic establishment an “unwinnable” race because of the popularity of GOP governor Larry Hogan.

If there’s anything to take away from this election it’s that the message mattered a lot more than the tone of how it was delivered.

Not only is Trump a gigantic bigot and a clown, HRC lost while outspending him almost 3:1. That alone should tell you how moronic it would be to go with Perez. Dems will crash and burn if they are not united around Bernie’s platform, because

Except sharing doesn’t work. Look at the last 8 years. Trying to meet the Republicans halfway has been an absolute disaster. That, and our refusal to purge (or at least try to purge) the Wall Street influence in our party is the reason it is the weakest it’s been since before WWII. I personally see no downside to

I think it’s gotta be Ellison. We can’t keep making the same mistakes over and over. And that’s not to say I think Perez would be another DWS, but he’s an alarmingly “safe” choice. There needs to be a bold, progressive takeover of the Democratic Party if we’re to have any hope of not only gaining back all the ground

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

Alt-left is not a thing. You’re describing anarchists. They aren’t left, or right for that matter. But alt-left is a made-up term, coined by people who believe “I’m rubber, you’re glue” is a legitimate rhetorical tool.