Johan Lieberal

Spending to much time with Jimmy Fallon I’ll tell ya what.

If you think they’re running this into the ground, just wait until the movie.

Did the Night King have a plan to destroy The Wall that didn’t involve a dragon? So did Jon’s dumbass plan doom the realm?  

That was a slog.

I’m assuming they’ll add something to make her a straight villain. Like her drugs turn you in a zombie, or make you blow up.

To this day I have never been so disappointed in a series finale. Despite a few missteps, was quality show. Knowing they were such flying sht and hoping it would stick, burned any desire I had to rewatch.

I’m probably in the minority, but Stranger Things seemed like a one and done series to me. I know there was this whole unexplored ‘mythology’ but the answers are probably going to be much less interesting than the questions.

It’s time for ‘The Black Pope’

She exposed US purposely targeting civilian aid workers in Iraq.

Wait so because not everyone gets a second chance, NO ONE should get a second chance?

I feel bad having no interest in seeing this movie.

Out of the number of inside and outside factors behind HRC’s 2016 loss, is someone running against her in the primary really one of the biggest?

As one of the 7 people who loved the Greyjoy storyline, I’m pissed they didn’t include Euron. My won’t the advertisers cater to my needs?

I feel most mainstream film critics are generous when reviewing.

I understand why, but it kinda sucks because Tower of Terror was a cool way to introduce kids to The Twilight Zone.

I’m not really going to trust a poll in 2016 about the 2020 election.

I was never impressed by Finn Jones on GoT. Could never convey that he was a skilled knight. However I am not going to instantly damn this show.

So far this looks like it’ll be a fascinating train wreck.

Few Questions:

Sanders did support Hillary whole heartily after the Primary. How dare he run a campaign against the Queen. When did Sanders “fan the flames” of conspiracy? It’s not Bernie’s fault Wikileaks got hold of the DNC’s unethical behavior.