Johan Lieberal

I’ll tell you what, Colbert fucked up on that one.

In a sane world, no one would ever describe anyone who voted for Iraq as “qualified.” I voted for her as the lesser evil compared to Trump, but her experience in the senate (where she voted to invade Iraq) or as Secretary of State (where she pushed for our half-assed, predictably counter-productive campaign in Libya),

Hurricanes, Trump, police shootings, health care, tax reform, and countless other important issues but thank goodness we have Hillary Clinton sucking up lots of airtime so she can sell her book of grievances for personal profit. What a perfect cap for her career as she goes out trying to squeeze every single dollar

Embrace single payer, work for fairness in taxation, demand defense cuts, banking regulation, monopoly protections, campaign finance reform, union rights, voting rights, equality and protection for all citizens, immigration reform, demilitarization of the police, demilitarization of foreign policy, and for fuck’s sake

They agree on plenty of shit though. Like tax cuts for corporations, keeping monopolies on telecomms in tact, defunding public education in favor of charters and making sure they all get a raise.

“seek to legalize drugs all over the world, in order to make her smuggling racket a successful business venture”

I was really hoping the show was going to turn out to be set in the far future, and all the humans were going to turn out to be descendants of a post-Singularity Earth (hence the “colonies”). Instead we got Ancient Astronaut bullshit and Moore’s terror of Roombas.

Maybe the plan was simply:

1. Nuke all humans
2. ?
3. Prophets

The Phantom of the Opera will be a period piece that will end with the Phantom being chased into a river in the winter and freezing. The end scene will be Prodigium unfreezing him and Dr. Jekyll saying “You missed a lot, Phantom.” And the Phantom would be, like, “I had a date. With that girl I kidnapped.”

Hey, Universal. No thanks. We already got a monster mashup and it was great.


Chelsea should have been lauded, not imprisoned.

You’re right, I’m so glad we went with Clinton. If we’d gone with Bernie, we might have lost!

Hahhahah he wanted people to go to college and not be crushed by debt, sick burn

Let it go.

Reg E. Cathey played Zakariyya. He’s got a long career, for me he’s always Martin Querns, the get-tough warden on Oz.

You seem to REALLY want the reader to assume that Chris is white. You point out that the actual artist is a black woman numerous times, and you use words like “entitled” to describe Chris, but then you sneak in at the very end that his mother is black. So, basically, he’s every bit as black as our first black

In which Sanders endorsed Clinton? Yes. That one.

Would I prefer an unabashedly proud pro-choice candidate? Hell yes. Is Heath Mello miles and miles and miles better than Mean Jean Stothert, the current Republican mayor of the city? Oh my goodness - yes, yes, yes.