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All their albums are great.

Fischerspooner were more part of the electroclash movement that developed around the same time (even signed on International Deejay Gigolos along with Miss Kittin And The Hacker and a few others).
YYY struck me as closer to the garage-punk scene.

Only "Spike" didn't publicly bring any of that at work. DOGGONE knows about it through mutual friends, if he is that uncomfortable about it he should talk to him, but going to HR would be crossing a line and bringing personal info that was never divulged in the workplace. Making what people do in their personal life

I'd say whenever is a good time. I do also feel weird when people message during working hours, but even accounting for the fact that not every one works the same hours, everyone has their phone with them all day long and it's a lot easier to send a quick text-like message at any point even if at work than a proper

Not a French pun at all. While it follows the template of Grexit, it does make sense as a contraction of Britain and Exit, as Grexit was of Greece and Exit.

The accepted phrase is that they "want their country back".
They've also been warning that Turkey was about to join the EU and that all 75 million of them were going to come here and rape our women (I wish I was kidding), all the while complaining that anyone who rightly points out the economic risk is engaging in

Actually some of the Brexit supporters are arguing that by getting of the Eastern European white migrants, we'll be able to increase the number of migrants from South Asia (and possibly also Africa), but you know, just the good ones.

The funny (well, "funny") thing is that some of the Brexit supporters are trying to appeal to South Asian voters saying that by getting rid of the Eastern European (and white) immigration, they will make it easier to increase immigration from India or Pakistan.
Needless to say the message to white working class type

I get that this is The AV Club and that you shouldn't expect too much from the articles, but in Islam, alcohol is never fine, it's not "most devout Muslims" who don't drink, it's any remotely devout Muslim, and during Ramadan you're not supposed to eat or drink anything as long as the sun is up.
Also incidentally yes,

For me it's not so much that rather than it seems to be mostly treating films that just flopped in theatres, it does give the impression that it's beating dead horses (while their corpses are barely cold) when the beauty of the column should be to deal with all but forgotten oddities.

Land Of The Pharaohs is at my library it turns out, I'll have to do a Hawks session soon.
I gather Ceiling Zero isn't readily available in the US (there's a French DVD which is how I saw it) which is a shame, it's probably only ever destined to be considered a draft of Only Angels Have Wings anyway, but that should be

And Think Tank is one of their best too! Lost opportunity there.

I consider myself somewhat knowledgeable about film but had never heard of it. Though Hawks is a director I haven't properly investigated yet (I like that I can honestly say that when I've seen 10 of them).

I know Americans have trouble telling the difference, but domestic gross isn't the same as worldwide gross.

I know they never collaborated (as far as a cursory glance indicates), but are Cuaron and Arriaga friendly? The latter wrote the story the film is based on and was a producer. I assume the film winning means it was liked by more than just him, but that could still be a clue as to why it ended winning (I didn't like Ano

It will also depend where to and if there is a treaty between France and that country, Austria being part of the EU, they would extradite him (even if he were French).

In theory nothing.
But when a country has their productivity down the drain and seemingly no clue how to improve it, you'll need population growth to drive economic growth. It's currently being taken care of through immigration, but if in the long term the government were as serious as they claim to be about reducing

It's still a subtle encouragement that some people shouldn't have as many children, and from a conservative point of view, let's not forget that poverty is the result of a personal fault, accidents or society's perpetuation of privileges has nothing to do with it.

I take it you're in one of the areas where it's being tested.
Maybe it will be rolled out to the rest of the country, maybe not. As far as I can tell, IDS was the only person pushing for it, his leaving makes it a little more unlikely it will happen for the entire country.

True, I must confess that not having kids I didn't look too deeply into it. It still seems that the tax credits are the bulk of what a family received, benefits for a third child would be a little above 700 a year, tax credit I gather is closer to 3000. So while there is indeed some benefit for third children, they