Username too long

The effects I found to be more noticeable involved fire and water which are notoriously difficult to render digitally, it wasn't noticeable to be distraction though.

I get the weirdest looks when I tell British friends and colleagues that I often go for Pizza Hut when back in France, but the recipes are completely different and some are quite nice (they use real cheese for a start).

He was in Kaurismaki's Le Havre not too long ago, it's the most recent one I remember seeing.

That's what made me tick (more than the specifics of the email that I didn't pick up on), don't hire a big theatre for one night only, hire a small one for a weekend or a week.

The Cannes festival knew it all along, it was part of their official selection that year.

Shrek 2 remains one of my worst cinema experiences, I found it terribly unfunny (quoting cultural references doesn't replace having jokes) and was seemingly the only one in the cinema to think so, the misery of watching the film only compounded by wondering what was wrong with these people.

I really wish you guys stopped complaining that Zhang Yimou is making films that aren't Chinese enough for you, it's not a great look.

He did three gigs at the Apollo for his last tour, that worked out fine with tickets still available pretty late.

I just wish he was playing another venue in London, I can't imagine the recent material will work out well in a massive arena.

Disappointed but not really surprised that You Don't Mess With The Zohan isn't there. Not only is it about immigrants coming to the US to live their dream, they team up to defeat white supremacists. A perfect film for our times.

The BFI version is five and a half hours and is sold as as complete as it will ever be.
No idea how long the new Coppola version will be, but as it's co-produced by the cinémathèque française I can't imagine it will be shorter.

And sometimes, it wasn't a special effect and they are genuinely risking their lives, or that of babies (to take 3 Bad Men as an example).

Coppola is doing is own competing restoration in collaboration with the Cinematheque Francaise, I think I read it was premiering this year.

I just want to say I'm really happy you're publishing this interview. I don't necessarily think of Green as one of my favourite directors but he's one whose career I follow and who is really under-appreciated. I hope this film helps him reach a bigger audience.

It isn't, I'm one of the handful of French people on here.
Also it's two 2016 releases, not that there were many more.

Things To Come wasn't quite on the level of Hansen-Love's previous films, only best of the year and not best of the decade.

The list I keep is based on UK release dates, for this list I added a few 2015 to me I knew were released this year in the US (2 and 3), removed some I know will be released in 2017 (including what is my actual 2016 number 1, The Son Of Joseph), I probably shouldn't have bothered to try and make it right (I did

Hurray for the Modiano shoutout.

I was going to skip the article until I spotted the Modiano cover on the header image, very happy to see him included.

If you're curious about his films, The Nutty Professor and The Errand Boy are good places to start (haven't seen The Ladies Man yet which is meant to be his best), of the many he did directed by Tashlin, The Disorderly Orderly is the best I've seen so far.
His shtick can be grating, but he is a very good director and