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It's not as drastic as the Chinese one child policy, but child benefits will now only be paid for the first two children which in effect is telling people not to have children if they can't afford it.
You can still have as many kids as you want, but they'll live in even more deprived conditions.

Eugenics survived after WWII. Sweden was at it up until the 70s, and the U.K. recently instated a two children only for poor people policy.

It came with the edition of Portrait Of Jason which I'd been meaning to check out that I got from the library. At first I got very confused as it's a documentary collection and while stylistically it's on point I thought there was no way it was an actual doc.
I thought it was amazing, and indeed unlike anything

It's not particularly funny so it might not fly as a "mockumentary" but Shirley Clarke's The Connection is from 1961. More people should see it as it's amazing.

Given that Sheldon once compared the plight of not always getting his way to slavery, I'd say anyone using that description is actually pretty well represented by the show.

The moment I knew I'd love it was the scene early on where they mention having traded Phantom back, which is as hilarious as it is informed.
And speaking of inclusiveness, I can't think of any other mainstream movie that treats its Muslim characters so unambiguously as purely Americans, the best example being the shot

They liked Tati well enough, Playtime placed one spot above the Lewis picture in their 1967 top 10 even and Mon Oncle had a spot too then. Didn't the auteur theory start with Hollywood, with them defining themselves as hitchcocko-hawksiens?
I like Brody, I always assumed he was influenced by Les Cahiers to some degree

I don't remember exactly but that's what I assumed when I watched a couple as he was a directing and writing them as well as starring in them.
But more importantly I thought, his films were actually thought of as films and the direction showed he cared about how things would appear on camera. It's still quite rare in

Everybody gets La Legion d'Honneur that doesn't mean much and is consistent with critical rather than popular success anyway, and isn't appealing for donations his thing? I believe it's pretty much all he's been doing since around that time.
I'm not trying to say nobody knows him, but his popularity is greatly

We're about the same age it seems (or you're slightly older), I can't remember any mention of him beyond jokes from Americans about how the French love him, at least until I started getting seriously into cinema and reading Les Cahiers in my early twenties.
I saw my first movies by him quite recently thanks to UK

Mostly other critics and hardcore cinephiles. They still have a disproportionate influence compared to the readership numbers (you could as well ask who's on Twitter? It still has apparently become newsworthy).

Isn't it just that Schneider got greedy? No idea if there's something more personal, but I thought they'd made up (Schneider was in The Ridiculous Six).

Mostly true, but Les Cahiers loved You Don't Mess With The Zohan, so maybe he will be the next Jerry Lewis (no, he won't actually).

You're not overselling it, Zohan really is that wonderful.
No idea who to credit for the success (Appatow was involved as well), but the resulting mishmash is amazing, the childish treatment of the subject while still treating it respectfully and somewhat accurately actually being a large part of its success.

All his movies are banned in China, no point talking about one in particular.

I've never heard of that one, though if they are going through with it that might explain why the entire Disney catalogue left Netflix a few weeks ago.

And as usual no love for Air's actual best record, 10,000Hz Legend, what's worse you didn't even have it in the first place apparently.

Isn't it a different jury for the the different competitions? Dolan would then have had nothing to do with Desplechin winning a prize last year. (Edit after checking Desplechin was in the Fortnight which is not officially part of the festival, definitely no link there).
But as someone pointed out, Desplechin and Loach

Elephant won the Palme and best director. If they made rules against sharing prizes it will be after that.

I'm pretty sure acting prizes are excluded from the no-sharing rule.