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Penn was last in competition for The Pledge I believe (def not Into The Wild. There is an deliberate attempt by the competition to get stars whenever they can, but I don't think there's an official policy to have a version amount of US movies, whereas there actually is a different selection path for French movies so

It apparently compared war to the relationship between a man and… if The Guardian is to be believed.

Mike has disliked about all of Refn's movies except for Drive (and absolutely hated Only God Forgives), calibrate accordingly.

As it's the premiere, the creative team will be there. They're the ones being booed, not the actors; just like whenever an opera is booed because of its production, it's only at the premiere when the director comes to take a bow (in these cases booers actually make a show of applauding/cheering the singers).

Cannes is closed to the public. Only press and professionals can attend.

It compared war with a man/woman relationship.

Elle has had press screenings in France before the festival started (assuming it's one of the two you mention as not having opened yet).

Very late reply after just seeing the movie which finally made it here.
That's a good point, but somewhat tempered by the movie being effectively French. The director has been living there for twenty-five years, that's where she studied film, the co-scenarist is French as was the majority of the crew behind the camera

The original was unpleasant enough as it was. I'm afraid this will just be unwatchable.

As had Ted, second best film of whatever year it was released according to him.

Give the bores some credit, at least they're not criticising her for her sex life, which I guess should be counted as a not-negative.

In everyday conversation j'aime beaucoup would mean I like it quite a lot, it's alright would rather be j'aime bien.
Mike listing all the grades below reminded me that they're based on the local version of he loves me/he loves me not.

Sort of, they're common gradations for the verb aimer; I think its most common use is when playing he loves me/he loves me not with daisies' petal, obviously this simple binary wasn't enough for us.
It's also the system Telerama uses on top of my head (I'm guessing you're sort of familiar with them but for others,

I'm guessing it goes pas du tout, un peu, beaucoup, à la folie for the various stars?

That's still high praise coming from a French person.

Make sure the upper part of your face moves as well. Freaky rictus and tell tale of fake smile (which often comes off as creepy) is when only the lips move, it looks unnatural.

They never even sold enough to be certified gold. There's no way any of them are living of royalties (Mangum as the sole songwriter would get the lion's share of the profit though as the publishing rights are where what little money there is is).

What ground do you have to stand on when you live in a country where Trump is a presidential candidate?
Or is it only foreigners who are collectively responsible for their country regardless of their personal opinions?

I'll add another horror movie, mine would be May, if you've seen it you likely remember the opening shot, you could then feel the entire cinema freeze in their seat.

Look for the Jet Tone collection it's part of, it can apparently be found cheaper.