
I would consider it more of a “enhanced” port with emphasis on enhanced. Game looks a lot different from the WiiU game, even models were changed. If this game were to look COMPLETELY new, it would require more development time just for a playable demo.

No I bet there is at most 3 more surprises. Which would put us at a fair mid 60s.

Going to be a lot of angry neckbeards with the inclusion of Daisy Ridley.

So confirmed for a port. Switch’s big games are a PORT and Mario Party?!

Too bad all Nintendo has for 2018 is Smash Port and Mario Party.

Are you fucking serious?

There are hundreds of thousands of people, at minimum, in the world of The Last of Us, and they have problems with overpopulation in their crowded fortress towns. If there’s any time or place where being gay would be absolutely OK in terms of societal logistics, it’s there.

Flip the argument: The world has gone to hell, why would you prevent someone from finding love, a bastion of safety and comfort in a world gone to shit because of some biological imperative? I think you just described the bad guys in the world of TLoU

I’m pretty sure there are well over a few hundred people left in The Last of Us universe. And I for one am happy to see the game finding warmth and humanity in a place like this. I mean, the game is about fungus zombies destroying the world; I think I can suspend my disbelief long enough to accept that a community

People freaking out over Last of Us 2 amuses did you play the fucking DLC?

“I can’t even escape SJW virtue signaling in games anymore. They destroyed television, movies and are now moving to games.”

It’s been known since the DLC from the first game though, this isn’t some revolution that’s happening tonight.

I am loving it, but for a completely different reason. The moment I saw this I was like “would they? WOULD THEY?” and YES!! Gamefaqs is already well on its way with people crying salty salty tears over Naughty Dog making Elly a lesbian. THEY DESTROYED THE GAME, they say. I AM GOING TO DELETE THE ORIGINAL GAME, they


In all seriousness, after the wild and continuing success of Skyrim, I can’t imagine they’d make this shit multiplayer. They already have a multiplayer ES game — they’re not gonna do that to their main franchise. At worst, maybe it’s optional co-op or something, but I can’t even see

Morrowind master race?

I feel like I’ll probably still buy this even though I thought both Oblivion and Skyrim were soulless husks of games.

That’s pretty dumb to say.

As a mobile game it didn’t look horrible. I’d like to try it out (registered for the Android pre-thingie) but I’d still really love a full new RTS.

This is offensive. EA loves to keep reminding us of how they completely dismantled Westwood and continue to shit on C&C at every opportunity, don’t they?

When it comes to third-party revivals, mobile is always the format I’m expecting, just never the one I want.