
Monsters 2 is so bad as a sequel to a great game. Not being able to see the whole level at once, just creates a complete guessing game. I really can’t understand the design choices they made. Looks gorgeous (even on my switch) though. This is not a good Monsters game.

If you think Sprite is just clear Coke with a splash of lemon, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but your taste buds are shiiiiiiit. Like just absolutely non-functional. You’re riding the short bus circling flavor-town.

If you’re comparing it to anime as a whole which is often gross and pedophilic, then maybe it’s tame but from what others are describing, it’s still kind of overtly sexual and again with characters who are underage which comes across as super creepy. to me.

I would say that it can be subtle at times, but for the most part it’s about as subtle as a boot to the face.

That’s the most believable thing about her being a flatearther

Uh, ancaps are a real and awful thing. And yeah, “libertarian=ancap” is a broad simplification, but it’s both pithy and not wholly inaccurate, so I’m standing by it.

Wario is a techno-libertarian who is spending his evenings on the dark web trying to learn how to use a botnet to mine crypto.

All of this is 100% accurate.

He’s an anarcho-capitalist. A libertarian.

Wario is also a capitalist because he is involved in several get rich quick schemes.
Maybe that’s why he is such a good character, he shows it’s not all black and white, you can smell of garlic and still save the world by accident while persueing wealth in order to buy steaks for yourself.

“A republican ... who cares about the debt to GDP ratio” -

Don’t be black with the spear. You’d be shot and killed. #gamingwhileblack

Stop. Talking about things that affect POC’s lives like the fact that we are inherently different and treated as such is in no way equal to the bigotry of white nationalists.

Why even address these people at all? It’s not even worth the fucking time. In fact, why am I writing this, even now? Time to sto -

1) Twitter is often a terrible place online.
2) She seems to try to make it a better one.

See, this is why I am slowly losing my love for the Witcher Universe, and it have nothing to do with the games and the books. Sure, they have a heap of problem also, but it feels like every fan community about the game online is dripping with white nationalism, how they talk on and on about “pure white fantasy” and

I came expecting to see a pic with a room full of white guys, looked at that pic and got excited that there were so many women and persons of color. Then I made the mistake of reading what the criticism was actually about and promptly remembered why I hate humans of the internetz.

Just more whiny, angry white dudes who can’t get any.

Heh, and I just and a guy telling me it’s only SJWs that pull this shit.

That is true, but have they been as publicly outspoken and raising hell about a 18 year old game?