
The mechs are overwhelmed by alien kaiju led by King Ghidorah, their general. Godzilla and King Kong come to the mechs’ rescue as calvary/heavy artillery, while Mothra and Rodan provide air support.

Gotta be honest, I was never really a fan of Batman Returns, even back then I thought it was too... weird. That is, the Adam West Batman was kind of a weird show, but I liked it. But I remember thinking Batman Returns was more “bad” weird. That’s just me, though. I know some people love it.

I always assumed he was referencing BTTF2.

I’m guessing that since Suicide Squad is terrible, he was told to get in the news and clean up his act before Blade Runner 2049 hits. And here we are.

How the fuck did this article get posted with not a single picture of the subject matter in it?

OBI WAN Kenobi? I wonder if they mean Old Ben....

I have altered the casting. Pray that I alter it no further.

I’m so sorry you wasted your last chance to buy a good book at Borders ;-)

Star Wars fans: “We don’t want every movie to be connected in every little way because it makes the universe smaller! We want stories and characters and locations we haven’t seen yet!”

Does anyone really want any sort of Monopoly?

wait... that wasn’t sarcasm... he thought it was a set photo?

Hell yes I do he should be called Water-T since his exile was ended on Alphabetrium.

Speaking of great idea, terrible execution:

Hands down the worst posters ever for a major motion picture. It looks like they contacted a designer, who mocked up some specs as a concept pitch (because the concept isn’t half bad, juxtaposition the iconic characters from the original with their new counterparts), and then they just released those pitches as actual

Stated reason:

“His reasons are, fortunately, not as dramatic as Snyder’s.”

Are they going to have a naming rights squabble with Universal over Dark Universe?

Yeah, I loved it too. To me, it was the right mix of cheesy, exciting, emotional (sue me, I cared about the characters), and fun.

I'm right there with you. It was pure 90's shlock just like the first one. I honestly don't know what people were expecting. Folks shitting on this movie either hated the first one too or remember it looking through rose-colored glasses.

Um, that movie was amazingly good. I t WAS filled with heart and had such great CGI. Sorry, but I loved ID4:2 :) (Also, seeing it at the Elm Road drive-in in Warren, Ohio made it so much better!)