
Could be because the trailers gave the potential audience members nothing, no hint of anything other than ‘remember Blade Runner?’.

T-1000! :)

WHy is everyone saying T-2000?!?


I’ve. ot been able to enjoy and of his movie since all of the supposed revelations about STDs and supplying his ex girlfriend with the drugs that she overdosed with.

The second I saw the plate of crappy meat.

‘I didn’t pay attention....PLOT HOLE!’

I’m sure they said ‘it couldn’t hurt to have him try’.

Stargoon came up when a neural network was designed to name paints too.

I enjoyed last week when Neill Blomkamp called you an idiot.

So what your saying is... salvation and rise of the machines didn’t pay him, gotcha :)

Billionaires don’t get to be rich by turning down huge sums of money to lie about a movies quality.

I w$nder why h€ d$d th$t?

I half remember Do Androids Dream of having some kind of mold or fungus creeping over everything and gradually taking over areas.

Happy for a sequel, but that’s a shiter of a title.

Haha ‘how you getting on clicking that B&W button?’

Because the bible never got misquoted haha.

Ooh, apparently it’s some Old Testament stuff. According to googles.

Did you know there’s actually a more complete version of the blood / water saying.

Snap. 10 clover field lane did everything right tho, whereas Split was dull, dumb and badly written/acted