
I couldn’t even watch the whole thing once I saw that officer in a creepy, rapey hold on her.

Just replying to bump. I’m Canadian, but honestly, watching the discussion boards in 2016 discouraging people from voting because all the folks with the vapours “OMG NOBODY IS PURE YOU GUYS I’M REALLY TOO ETHICAL TO VOTE” really was fucking annoying to watch, especially as in our last election we somehow managed to

Ooooh GAWGEOUS!!!! I’m definitely persuaded to get some of my own. Good to know that the icing has to be cold!

I want to get these too! I used to hate cooking but now that I am stationed in a place with few ingredients and lots of time I have been able to think of nothing but baking and crafts.

I am closer to feeling that agency now relative to prior experiences. I’m honestly still learning just to articulate these things - like literally today. I think we all need to talk about straight women’s perspectives in sex relative to straight men’s a lot more (and definitely the experienced of all marginalized

What a great idea! We should pool our wisdoms :D

Hey! I was a broke stressed grad student for eight years so I came over unsolicited to reply :)

Mystery solved! I started digging into my and generations back there were some real innovative hipsters in the name department.

I’m with a French guy who really doesn’t really identify with his Frenchness and minimizes his accent as much as possible. Le sigh.

You need an advisory for a bloodless, speedy, healthy, joyful birth? This isn’t exactly American Horror Story here. You do know you also came from a primate vagina?

“Issuing pleasure rumbles” is how I plan to express my joy henceforth.

There are some exes I would happily donate to if they ran for office. Not the guy who lied about his name, occupation, partner, and daughter, though :p But others I could see doing good.

Maybe Vince Staples will be R. Kelly’s Hannibal Buress?

I’ve had this difficulty of sex being something that “happens TO” oneself in that almost every guy I was with has been aggressively dominant. Example, even going on top, I have never had a guy actually allow me to establish the rhythm and tone but would end up “drilling” from below so I was still “getting fucked”

It’s awesome that you figured that out through time, but when you say “culturally, women are not educated” and “culturally, men are not educated” there’s a lot of sexual politics and power buried underneath that linked to broader social politics as #MeToo is starting to bring out. It’s not just some relatively

Yes, this is definitely the moment in time to talk about how hard straight guys work during sex. I’m deeply grateful you brought this up! When else would we get a chance to talk about how straight men are doing all the sex right and straight women just aren’t doing enough?

Now playing

This reminds me of Tantric practices. I think many men could also take heed to be more mindful to contribute to their partner’s mindfulness. When I met someone who had serious stamina, it really changed the whole experience and just automatically brought to it this capacity to really savour that moment consciously as

Kanye is definitely talented and I am sure he merits his success.

I don’t know where people get off posing as authorities on philosophy from watching the Matrix or some shit without actually taking the time to learn anything about the discipline. It’s thoroughly exasperating but also a really bizarre conceit.

Isn’t the phrase “PhD holder” when used to designate an honorary doctorate a little misleading?