Henry Joseph Oberon

The reason the Borg were (in their original inception) such a perfect nemesis and counterpoint for the Federation was because they were so similar — the same reason Joker and Two-Face (and maybe Scarecrow?) make the best Batman villains — by taking core identifying principles of the hero (org) and turning it on its

Boy, I hope you don't have Netflix Instant Watch then. Because I have some bad news...


(I just think the ENTIRE CAST of Mad Men fits this. They start out fit into neat little roles and then grow out of them, surprising you. But I know it's not really sci-fi/fantasy/the usual bread-and-butter here, exactly.)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was meant to be there... but you weren't meant to expect it to be there, which is why it works so well.

This discussion feels like you could just fill the entire comments section with every single character from Venture Brothers and leave no room for anything else.

Re: the video clip — (The root beer bit begins around 1:50.)

Well that's great — and I know this is the internet and all, but I'm totally not being snarky when I say that. It was obviously the author's intention, and it's a good transformation/arc/trope to play — and no matter how much I might bash on something I don't like, I genuinely want every piece of art/etc to be

That's weird. Maybe it was my love of Alan Rickman or that I was in a kind of unreceptive mood when I saw the first movie (to this day, and not for lack of trying, I have never warmed to this series, and suspect I never will) but from the very beginning I found Snape's arc absolutely predictable. Virtually the only

Ha. I was pretty sure it wasn't the Viet Cong, but every once in a while you meet a tilfoil-hat on the internet.

a) I'm all for credit where it's due, but should the world's progress into the future be held back because of that? Shakespeare scholars know that many of his plays were written only in part by him, and maybe a couple of them less than half or (if you want to go hardcore) not at all, ...would the world be a better

I thought maybe he was trying to write "Learn how to finish sentences" or "Learn how to write down complete lists." But honestly, kid, focus on the milk and hypernovas. If you ask me, finishing sentences is totally

It's pretty extreme in the Cave on Dagobah.

This is what I would have gone with. "The Inner Light" gets my vote.

Heh. Okay.

(I agree with everyone: mirror universe isn't non-canon. but since it came up...)

Ohh I see, so Kira would jump a god but not her god. (Haha.)

(That may be me seriously exposing my ignorance or misreading of the text, heh. Hope not? But so it goes!)