Henry Joseph Oberon

Seems so strange to me that everyone's panties are bunched up around the feathers issue.

Actually, I really liked the timing of the cows jumping in reaction to the dome coming down. It helped it feel real. But yeah, I assumed there was more we weren't seeing, or else the Meredeith has got a seriously nuanced eye for effects timing. Haha.

I hope you use it to describe both reds and whites.

...probably wouldn't have existed without the influence of Saul Bass?

for my money, both Littlefinger and Varys have become far LESS interesting in Season 3. I loved loved loved them the first 2 seasons, and thought that their shared moments of tet-a-tet dancing around truths were some of the best the show had to offer. Everything they said, and everything Varys said ever, was slippery

Good call. That was a nice counterpoint to undermine (by way of strengthening) the general thrust of the episode.

Agreed. The synopsis intrigued me. The trailer is so meaningless and obtuse it almost turned me back off again. Almost.

This was a totally helpful reminder that "mute" is a thing that all media devices offer, as well as volume control, and absolutely not a passive-aggressive way to wedge into a conversation the fact that you don't like Nicki Minaj. Thanks!

You're the best, Godmars. I would invite you to all of my parties to stand over my shoulder and make sure nobody is funny or clever, ever, but I'm sure there's already a huge queue of people clamoring to get you to their parties for the same reason.

Sort of a swing shift. Not so bad as graveyard. But I do wish I could take your advice and go back to sleep. Alas, alas.

That is the coolest thing I've read all day.

Final Frontier: I take your point. Very interesting! I can see it as the most "like an episode" of the movies. That and Motion Picture (which, filmgeek trivianerd time: was conceived as an episode for the unproduced "Star Trek: Phase Two" series). But I can't take that perspective far enough to like the film. I've

I can't remember which book (Anthropologist on Mars, maybe?) so I'm afraid I can't provide a link, but there are some similar stories in one of Oliver Sacks's collections, including I believe a painter who either lost of gained color-sight (if memory serves? I know it's not the same but it's similar) and was able

That is to say, you cannot know the duration of even this one intelligent life because it has not ceased yet.

Almost nothing you just said is remotely verifiable. Therefore you may be applying a disproportionate amount of certainty to your declarations. Or to put it another way, talking right out of your ass.

I agree they're pretty forgettable, but really both TOS and TNG has produced only one out-and-out unwatchable (unrewatchable?) movie each, by my reckoning: Star Trek V: What Does God Want With A Starship? and Nemesis (or, Star Trek: Oh, Look, It's Tom Hardy Before He Was Anybody, That's Weird). And to be honest I was

I think you might be right, but I'm cautiously optimistic about that. We can still look back on that era — First Contact was between forgivable and good, depending on who you ask; Insurrection is watchable (it's really just a long TNG episode); and Deep Space Nine averages out to a pretty excellent show. People can

I'm from and live in Portland, Oregon, and from just the headline, my first thought was, "Oh, Oregon's should be whatever's used in yeast to make beer, obviously."

This sounds fascinating, but their video doesn't give me 1/10 the info that your article does about what "biochar" is! (Also, he comes off as a touch paranoid... I'm sure he's completely right that big companies have a vested interest in avoiding a agricultural tech shift like this, but he still comes off sounding