Henry Joseph Oberon

Seriously, I'm surprised it took that long for Battlefield: Earth to get mentioned. It doesn't even have the excuse of poor production value or age (it's not a 70s/80s bad-writing worse-effects era b-movie) — it's just... amazingly bad.

That's the most ridiculous question I've ever heard.

"Therefore an AI will understand that without us, it wouldn't exist. Second, it understands that data can be flawed."

Yeah, I agree... pushing the cult of Shatner and having fun with it is smart. Keeps him on the likeable side of "hammy egotist."

Dammit! Second worst internet faux-pas, missing the joke response to the joke comment.

Oh, I meant no harm. Apologies... logic-play and snark and internet comments, it's a slippery road. I was just riffing on the idea of equivocating behavior X and behavior Y while in the very same comment asserting a lack of understanding of either. Struck me as funny, is all.

If religion is supposed to stay in the home, etc, so too should religionless-ness?

"Unfinished bishop" is a disturbingly amusing nickname for it, I must say.

If you still don't understand that behavior, then your supposition that this is an equivalent type of behavior couldn't possibly carry any less weight.

Just to be fair to "futurists," what would be your preferred method of predicting what the future will bring? Yes, they're wrong, and I'll add one more argument that hasn't been directly approached: they're usually a little myopic — focusing on ONE trend or ONE set of changes, whatever is their field/interest or

Re: genetic drift and single species-ness and local/global variations... how divergent is Homo sapiens? Are African, European, etc., humans more divergent genetically than our friends ("friends") Architeuthis here? Forgive such a novice question...