I endorse both of these ideas. Perhaps also a true RWD R32 in place of the lackluster AWD system they've had?
4th Gear: Jagvar is already making waves at VAG, I see.
Faith! How slow can you roll?
1 -> That's not what she said.
Wow, that's a really cool site. So there's two possible answers for joe's question:
All those turbos must cost a pretty penny.
It's probably the land cost that's prohibitive. God knows who owns all that sand out there.
This one's among my fave's.
Everyone should learn to drive stick because it makes driving a car an active rather than a passive experience. The more a person is engaged in what they're doing the better they'll be at it which is especially important for activities such as piloting a giant metal projectile capable of ending the lives of anyone…
Hello, underbite.
Awesome, and right back at you. :)
You're back!!!
Is this the first time a Jalopnik staff member has been awarded (or co-awarded, these days) COTD?
Aggressive Chinese VD. The car accident was superfluous to the circumstances of his death.
I see VW's biggest hurdle in the American market as something my dad harps on at every opportunity: perceived (and possibly real) high cost of ownership and repair. Granted he's had to deal with both my brother and I driving Golfs that needed more attention than I would consider normal, but it's a complaint I hear…
As do I.
Why does everyone hate X-Men 3 so much? I thought it was better than the other two for a lot of reasons...