1984 is the only one I saw that looked at all tempting.
1984 is the only one I saw that looked at all tempting.
The subtle difference is important.
Not all of us are street racers.
The irony. :)
Now I remember!
503: Service Unavailable
It is?
Glad I could help. You're going to keep the recaps going next season, right? Your pro/con extravaganzas are a full third of the reason I keep watching this show.
You owe me a new keyboard. This one's full of nose-coffee.
Minor correction: the bad guy in Terminator 2 was the T-1000. Who just happened to be... dun dun duuuuunnnn ALCIDE'S DAD.
Hover your cursor over someone's avatar for a second or two. A box will pop up with a heart (either just a red outline or filled in, depending on whether you've clicked it already) that tells you whether or not you're "following" that person.
Booze. Works every time.
I don't know, it isn't exactly belly up yet.
I'm heartclicking you as payback for providing me with my new favorite word.
Are Americans really the only people guilty of doing stupid shit after winning a boat load of cash or some unreasonably expensive prize? Do you really need to shit on the USA specifically for that?
Fair enough, my apologies if I was too hasty, sigh123456.
You mean specifying the "classic" in the title of the review? I'm talking more along the lines of adding "Vehicle Class: Truck" or "Sports Convertible" or "Mini-Van" or whatever to the blue stats box.
No, I saw that, too. Good eye hahaha.
I say use the normal system and just categorize the stuff you review based on vehicle class. Use something like JD Power for a standardized base with a couple Jalopnik-based tweaks or sub-categories.