

"Because a loose car will make you shit yourself at 220 mph [...]"

Good policy.

You gotta get up pretty early in the morning to post the lamest, most obvious jokes in #QOTD before me.


gear·head teen noun \ˈgir-ˌhed ˈtēn\

Thank you!

Those looked like brake lights, too. Rookie mistake.

Ducard: Your proper grammar is a weakness your contacts will not share.

Patience and gentle encouragement. And not forcing anything on them.

Disturbing the peace.

A great example of this is if you get pulled over for speeding. You have the right (at least in Florida) to view the readout on the radar or laser gun that the officer used to determine your speed, so if you get pulled over you should politely ask the LEO to see the readout on the equipment. If s/he won't show you

Am I the only one who thought Larry was caressing that Porsche's curves the way he would a woman's hips?

Ever wonder how sensitive Ray is? Won't someone please think of El Werto's feelings?

Brilliant! I'll take twenty!

Would not dragon.

The opposite of "the latter".

"I'll give it a full Jalopnik Classic review soon."

Who isn't?