
I just unfriended a guy on Facebook because he said, without any sense of irony, “I’m not voting for that cunt because she’s homophobic.” I’ve always been team Hillary, but the Berniebros certainly aren’t making me reconsider.

It's hard sometimes for a campaign to see this— see 2008 and the Clinton campaigns apparent ignorance and/or tacit approval of race baiting.

No one ever moves for me! No women not men! I think it’s bc I’m 5'. People think I require no space and take the space that is rightfully mine.

I do, too, but I think I’m just going to start biting. Either they move or i go to jail. Win/win.

I do this, too. They move out of my way.

Do you also get the most incredulous faces? Like WHOA I AM A MAN YOU SEE ME RIGHT?


In a similar but unrelated note, I now bump into men who walk right into my path instead of moving to the side as we pass on narrow sidewalks.

Many are SO awful. I made the mistake of rationally explaining some foreign policy disagreements I had with Sanders, and this guy I barely went on a crazy rampage. That made me go from supporting Hillary but admiring Sanders to completing alienating me from all Sanders supporters. #truth

If you want kind of a Bernie-by-proxy information source where you can find out about what his beliefs are while avoiding the BernieBros, I would suggest checking out Thom Hartmann.

Yeah, the Berniebros pain me deeply as a feminist Bernie supporter. Their misogyny strikes me as typical of a certain subset of white male progressives who are very mansplainy and convinced their lefty cred exempts them from any need to reflect on race or gender. I’ve experienced a similar type of bro in the

They’re not actual progressives. They’re treating politics like a sports game. They’ve picked their team, and they don’t particularly give a shit who’s doing a better job and what’s fair as much as they just want a win for their team.

I suspect it’s what is between his legs. But, that is not entirely fair. They may support his policies as well, just not the ones regarding women evidently.


I work in public policy and have professional degrees, but I just don’t have the passion or smarts to understand why Bernie is our infallible savior and Hillary is a fascist feminazi. I have unfollowed Bernie supporters and stay away from the blogs and websites of his supporters. It’s frustrating because I want to

I troll them constantly by reminding them that if Bernie wins the nomination they have to make nice with Clinton supporters if they have even the remotest chance of winning the general election. They HATE being told that.

Gotdamn this is a good comment. If history serves, you have cut far too close to the nerve and folks are going to yell at you now.

They also feed into my, probably wrong, nagging feeling of “how can an old white cishet guy ACTUALLY care about the plight of LGBT+, women and PoC in our country and put that first?!”

Isn’t it amazing how the “I don’t see gender/color” people always think white males are super awesome and women/people of color are whiny losers who should shut up and realize that white men are the real victims?

well as long as you don’t have melanin I guess...