
I understand exactly where these parents are coming from. Our daughter had everything going for her when she graduated high school. She went to college, got addicted, and has lost everything as a result. She’s ruined her health, her mind, her relationships, and her future. She stole from everyone, got arrested, has

And keep in mind that this was a woman calling for an utterly routine, nonconfrontational reason, and leaving a message. Literally the only thing this guy had to do was keep his mouth fucking shut. He wasn’t being confronted by her on the steps of the courthouse about internal police corruption, she hadn’t run an

So, here’s the thing. Aside from the fact that this conversation is wildly inappropriate for the workplace, these are people supposedly responsible for following evidence to its logical conclusion, for complex analytical situations, in addition to tactical street/traffic/ whatever stuff. The guy says, “my wife hated

Sure, people discuss the attractiveness of other people all the time. Unless you are in an EXTREMELY casual situation with very close friends, the conversation usually goes along the lines of: