@baconbot: Meh, personally I don't think it's ugly at all...
@baconbot: Meh, personally I don't think it's ugly at all...
@Realityism ▲: THIS.
@iancoleTX: LOL....
"...Worthy of the iPhone 4"
@Nitemancometh: Steve Jobs' is miles from Zen. His seemingly calm emails are just that way because he's arrogant.
@Chernobyl: Wolf?!?
@Chernobyl: I'd agree, but that thing "ain't no dog". Not that I know what the buck it is. :?
@iwishiwasjeff: lol... win.
I don't understand the obsession with shooting videos on an iPhone. What's the difference between that and shooting video on a cheap point and shoot?
@Z_Naught: My friend, I hear your sarcasm and understand your point. I also agree that it would be somewhat absurd to make this illegal. That's why I didn't suggest it.
As much as I love this thing... (and I totally love and want it)... I'm not sure that I feel comfortable with knowing that some of the idiots I know will be capable of purchasing it.
@Kat Hannaford: Kat, I'm a bit on the late train here, but...
@Mike Zuniga Has A Website: Bob is going to freak out when he looks at his web stats tomorrow.
@thomriddle: Meh. Good enought.
@thomriddle: My fellow Giz citizen and brother in humanity; that wasn't very nice.
@bornonbord: Unimportant Side Note: I went to college with his brother.
@Kaiser-Machead: That's pretty much exactly what I was thinking.
That was, by far, the strangest batch of Photoshop entries I've seen on Giz.