
Another post about how bad Facebook is!! WOOHOO!!

Agreed. Lost star, changed username, stopped commenting, and visit less. And I used to straight up love Giz.

Back up!

I doubt the user's location matters. It's likely server specific.

My TV is broken, and this is still not more entertaining than my TV.

Best Buy is now offering 'bloatware free' computers for an extra charge. The "Geek Squad" (jeez..) cleans them off and includes a full restore disc.

This is oddly mesmerizing. And it makes me want to play soccer.

Sam Biddle, you've got the moves, man. Nice dancing. Also, way to impress the hunnies with some spot on lip syncing.


I like you both.

Grand Central Station is awesome. It's possibly one of my favorite places in NYC and always gives me a sense of being home.

This is so true.

They're also important in case of weather issues or emergencies. I was on the coast during Irene this year and I was seriously grateful that my folks had a landline at their place.

*know not 'now'.

Probably, considering they're different people in completely different contexts.

Using the flex for navigation/control seems a bit on the silly side.

So, while I'm not going to get snarky with you, I am curious as to whether what 'DoubleOh187' said impacts your response. Does public vs. private ground make a difference?

None! That's the point, though.. since freedom of speech is guaranteed, then I am assuming there are no laws that prevent that man from freely doing what he did on public property.

Wouldn't that kind of be assault? They're in public and he didn't touch anyone. Right to free speech, no?