Nice try, but you’re arguing something different.
Nice try, but you’re arguing something different.
With the exception of WHO, which lines up with an existing English word, all the consonants line up. The vowels more readily shift to what’s been decided to be easier to pronounce in context, yes, but G is not a vowel.
It’s a hard G and everyone else is a filthy flat Earther.
Sure, pronounce it however you want. But if you want anyone to actually understand you, which is kind of the point of talking, use a hard g.
Apropos of nothing, the Finnish equivalent of the term “grammar nazi” is pilkunnussija, or “comma fucker.”
Love going on the internet and sharing jraphical interchange format images
“ginger”, “giraffe”, “giant”
Or as I like to say “It’s Leroy Jethro Gibbs, not Jibbs”.
Nah, that's the ph in photographic. Not exactly seeing a ph in jpeg.
Wrong. The “p” in “photographic” is not pronounced like an “f”. It’s the combination of “p” and “h” that gets pronounced like an “f”. That’s a phoneme, a letter or group of letters that represent a specific sound.
Here’s a quick test: if I were to spell out “potographic”, how would you pronounce the “p”?
Ah, but it’s the ph in “photographic” that makes the f sound, not the p. If it were jpheg, that would be different!
how do you pronounce jpeg (the p is for “photographic” btw)?
“GIF” stands for “Graphic Interchange Format”
It does not stand for “Jraphic Interchange Format”
That and gif stands for graphical interface format. Hard g last I checked.
Your supposed “i-e-y” rule only applies to regular Greco-Latin root words. Irregular G-L roots and many Germanic roots use a hard G before those vowels: get, girl, giggle. But since GIF is an acronym, there’s no way to apply any sort of root word “rule” to it in the first place.
GIF sounds like Jif if said as a word because the i-e-y-after-g, just like giraffe, generation, or gym.
Then he should’ve spelled it differently.
I think theres something to be said about the number of people saying “fuck you” to the people who disagree with them about it. This meme has become too aggressive.
Unfortunately, the org that created the GIF decided they wanted the media attention/controversy they knew it would bring by saying it should have the “J” sound so it really doesn’t matter what anyone thinks it should be. I will continue pronouncing it the way I feel makes the most sense and that is by using the same…
GIF. “gift” without the “t”