Eh, they were always bland and kinda soggy the few times I got them. If they were good at some point, I musta missed it.
Eh, they were always bland and kinda soggy the few times I got them. If they were good at some point, I musta missed it.
And nothing of value was lost. The wedges never held a candle to their mashed potatoes and gravy anyway.
Disagree. Dodge isn’t selling you a Hellcat and saying the 700 bhp makes it safer to drive or anything. Tesla is selling FSD with the promise that it will drive itself*. Granted, anyone who believes Tesla marketing at this point is an idiot, but that still doesn’t excuse them releasing half-assed software to beta test…
IANAL, but to reiterate what other have said: B is for Build is a monetized YouTube channel with a ton of subscribers, so it’s not fair use at that point. Denice Halicki is rabid about protecting her trademarks because there are companies licensed to build replica Elanors.
That just it though, she does own the rights to use the Elanor likeness. Had it just been some jamoke posting pics of his build there likely wouldn’t have been an issue, but vids on his monetized YouTube channel? There’s no way the rights holder will let that go without sending a C&D to start. If it got to the point…
You know the networks (or at least their production companies) all have lawyers that clear copyright and/or trademark issues before the show airs, right? Ever notice how certain trade dress and labels are blurred out? Rights & Clearance at work. Copyright/TM/Trade Dress holders DO NOT work on the principal of “It’s…
That sounds like shorter talk...
Okay, that’s quirky enough that I’ll grab one, presumably from HLJ.
Neural nets turn out to be very easily fooled:
If your “Fully Self-Driving” system cannot tell the difference between a truck and a plastic bag, it is not ready.
Should be, yes, but, y’know, disruption and whatnot.
[Citation Needed]
For those that can’t see Twitter:
I love that SCI has been using the Coronapocalypse to schedule multi-day marathons of HIM, but I kinda wish they had some new episodes too.
Schwan’s/Tony’s Fiestada, aka school breakfast pizza. Not sausage, but taco-flavored meat & sauce.
The only frozen pizza I want right now:
Southwestern PA checking in; we called it Puppy Chow back in the late 80s/early 90s. Loved the stuff, homemade is always better.