
Alternate solution:

Dude, there’s people attacking each other, like no shit IRL assaults, because someone wrote slash fiction and someone else didn’t approve of the pairing.

Outstanding work! I’m amazed those are Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars.

Nah, there’s not nearly enough rust to be Tracy’s fleet. 

PA repeal a tax?

This is so far from CP that the light from CP would take ten billion years to reach it.

I disagree, it’s more like: “This is what I spent putting it together, therefore that’s what it’s worth.”, never mind that, especially for project cars, the sum is often less than the parts. 

Had to scroll way too far to find this, IMHO. 

If not that then the Carvel factory in Framingham. 

It looks like what Missile Command would have looked like had it been one of the “games” in the original Tron, love it!

For the same reason all cars are not brown turbo wagons with a manual transmission, TV producers create shows that will appeal to the largest audience, not just Jalopnik readers. If that means dummying down how turbos work, so be it.

So hey, if anyone from Justborn is reading, I’d love one of those sampler boxes. 

Eh, no pride or regret, it just is what it is. 

Jaggoff”? You in Western PA or a transplant?

And yet you took the time to reply....

On the one hand: Yay! This will stop the endless commercials nagging us to get our RealID for a while!

Don’t travel, don’t enter Federal buildings, don’t need one. 

Probably low-flo models too. No thank you.