
Gravy? On mac & cheese?

Or high-capacity clips!

But at the same time, it is a little harrowing knowing that someone could always track your car down at any given time.

8/10. You forgot to call him a bougie too.

A rock?! That’s an offensive weapon mate. 

Not just knives apparently:


Weight. We can only loft so much at any one time, so you’re limited on how massive a probe you can send. Launching a heavy radiation-shielded probe and a repeater would either not work at all, or be so heavy that it would take 30 years to get there.

How about a Plymouth V’Ger, er, Voyager?

TBH, it’s probably for the best that whoever finds Voyager not be able to return it to the Earth:

“If the map is accurate enough...”

That’s what modern aircraft are missing: A turret.

Shut up! Bloody vikings!

Crack. Pipe.

It’s not even a Z-95; the Fireball’s an Ugly, like all the racers/Aces on Resistance.

“The IIHS is run by pedos and shorters!”

I’d have watched the shit out of this show.