
Let me know when your political leaders help redistribute wealth. Let me know when impoverished, marginalized AA communities and schools get equal funding to white suburban schools.

1 bn of 65 bn is 1/65th of his net worth!

Lets say, for fun, Bloomberg donated 1 mil to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Right now.

How has the “access to financial data” benefited marginalized communities in this nation? I’m not sure what you are trying to argue with that. Being able to access or see data doesn’t help communities receive equal funding in education.

Your argument begins and ends with “I.” It is fantastic you went to college. It’s fantastic you saved. It’s wonderful you can brag that you don’t have to work anymore.

One man can wipe out 4% of student loan debt. That is criminal! is your point to defend that?

Nope. I don’t want his money. I want our public schools to have his money. I want the MTA to have his money. I want those in need to have his money. He has $65 billion dollars. 

Because they taught me to not hoard wealth? Or because they taught me to recognize that just because I live in a capitalist society, and am forced to participate in it, doesn’t mean I have to accept its blatant misuse.

I don’t want it. I want the public to have it. 

Profiting off the labor of others is the issue. Hoarding wealth is the issue. Preventing others from sharing and growing society is the issue.

Your quick response and desire to protect the ultra wealthy will not help you, nor your family, nor your kids get out of poverty. Okay, so you are impoverished. That is great,

The hard R really cements your argument. 

Anyone with this much wealth is inherently evil. Way beyond stop and frisk. He could single handedly wipe out student lunch debt. He could single handedly give NY the greatest subway system in the world. Reparations. Helping to take on student loan debt. Gerrymandering. Name a cause, his $65 billion dollars could

username checks out

This is mindblowing

okay dad!

your poor colon my god

i’m guessing you are either a cop or super pro cop

It definitely is if you are Jewish

Revolutionaries killing warmongers isn’t sidequest. It is also a central theme of the prequels / Clone Wars / Rebels.

ty (you may have said that and i missed it!)