Dave Miller

Hitler’s rise to power had nothing to do with Mein Kampf, which only became a bestseller after 1933. Its sales before that were mediocre enough that they kept Hitler from publishing the 2nd book he had written. It didn’t make him well-known (the Beer Hall Putsch did that), it didn’t give him his first platform (his

She seems to be in a better place since doing that TV interview about Woody Allen molesting her.

If you want truly unsexy sex scenes, video games are the medium to look at. Dragon Age: Origins is one of my favorite games, but ooph, the sex scenes in it are awkward and creepy. At the end of the “Alistair” one, it looks like he’s going to kill you.

I hope when I die my friends, family and fans(not that I have any) cheapen my death with jokes and laughter. People are far to fucking serious.

You are an asshole for writing this comment, and we all are assholes for liking it.

I keep imagining you standing on a soapbox screaming at all of us awful commenters that we’re assholes, and giggling

Harlan Ellison prepares a lawsuit claiming he invented the concept of harassing a personal care aide.

The choreography for this duel was top notch, but for me it lacked any emotional weight to it (as compared to the duel in Ep. V or VI) because I just didn’t feel any connection to the characters involved. The protagonists were all pretty bland due to the poor script, and the villain involved was barely in the movie.

Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.

I try not to wish people harm, but I wouldn’t have a problem if her house was vandalized by teenagers on a semi-regular basis.

I’d assume the plan was: marry wealthy aging man, enjoy prosperous widowhood.

Yeah I’ll never be able to sympathize with his character in Se7en again.

Brett Ratner doing a presumably hagiographic biopic of Hugh Hefner who was so creepy and possessive of women that he chose to be buried in the vault next to Marilyn Monroe? It actually was a perfect synergy of shitty misogynists.

At least when he made people deal with his unwanted semen, he sent it through the mail, like a gentleman

You’re next, Jared.

Because the President represents the People and, at last count, half of the People are assholes.

Supposedly it’s because his older brother, Fred Trump Jr., died a serious alcoholic at 41. According to one story I saw, though, by the time Fred starting drinking heavily, Donald was already in college, when most guys would have done some drinking already, so maybe there’s something else going on. (Also, Trump’s a


At least he didn’t blame Obama

I think she’s more than earned the right to swear.