
Marnie’s dad was either a pharmacist or dentist in Michigan, right? He could easily float her $1000-2000 a month.

Marnie’s dad is a pharmacist or dentist in Michigan, right? (Remember the episode she went to Lansing and screwed a young pharmacist she went to h.s. with.)

NYC is the greatest city in the world if you’re single and making north of $125K or a family with HHI north of $400K or have daddy’s Amex . Otherwise, no thanks.

What is Swift hiding? Her boob job, obviously. America’s sweetheart got plastic surgery. Nice message to all her age 5-17 year old fans.

I think she sounds like a 100% phony stage kid - - but I guess I’m just an eternal cynic.

By “Kim” you mean her social media curators & comedy writers, yes?

I think she’ll end up marrying Prince Harry. Or that younger Kennedy kid, who graduates from HARRRRVARD next year.

I’m confident over half the NBA and NFL are functionally illiterate.

Group sex is EXTREMELY common among black guys. Like I had teammates tag teaming chicks in the 6th grade. It was a normal after-school thing for them all through middle school, hs, college. No joke.

I stopped enjoying ice cream after my doctor compared it to eating bowls of frosting (butter/sugar).

Big diff. between people (usually families) who live in a lake w/ jet skis and people that don’t live on a lake w/ jet skis.

Maybe I’m thick... but what does he even mean by this in this context?

He’s a billionaire - you don’t think he can afford the best hair treatment?

You can get a Tahoe for $400 a month . . . if it’s 5pm on the last day of the quarter and they’re a sale shy of a HUGE bonus. They’ll take a loss to get the nut.

I want one but I’d be sacked by Friday if I drove it to work.

Why does no one call out that he obviously wears a wig/hair piece?

Mt Pleasant/CMU -is- that bad. Middle of nowhere, drop out factory, worthless degree, mostly white trash student body.

I grew up in Michigan:

Hillary can’t fill a booth at Denny’s and you’re bending over backwards searching Google to show Donald had 8,000 instead of 12,000? Sick life, bro.

With prevalence of AP courses and free dual enrollment in high school, it’s easier than ever. That said, high school grade inflation (everyone has “A’s and B’s”) and diploma mills accepting everyone with a pulse, more kids than ever are showing up to college in need of 1-3 years of remedial courses.