Ruined Tortoise

He was given a deadline to resign by Chuck Schumer and not allowed due process. That’s not the same as quitting.


Uhhh, pretty sure he did ask for due process.

I can’t stand it! I know you planned it! 

The runner-up headline for this blog was Bison Yeets Child Into Oblivion

I can’t believe people would accuse an athlete of doping just because he has been caught doping repeatedly in the past, his twice-suspended for doping doctor was giving orders during the testing, and hired goons rushed in to smash and destroy samples of his blood before it was tested, right in front of the testers.

I hope they let him race at the Tokyo Olympics and continue talking shit to people who can’t beat him.

What the fuck is with that editorializing line at the end?

So you want a known cheater that has already been banned for doping to keep swimming to trash talk other racers that cant beat him because he is probably doping again? Thats a great take

I hope they let him race at the Tokyo Olympics and continue talking shit to people who can’t beat him.”

“You’re a loser. I’m a winner”

Do you...not understand the complaint here? If the team didn’t plan on keeping one of last year’s starters around, why would they have waited until the day before training camp when they could have cut ties at any of numerous points in the past weeks or months? It would have been considerably easier to “catch on

We all know the reason why Washington did this. Because Dan Snyder feeds off of human misery like some sort of psychic vampire.

4th Gear: Yeah, autonomy is a decade or two away, bare minimum, and will creep in slowly, on the consumer front, via safety and convenience features that trickle down from luxury models to standard cars.

Yeah, sure it has nothing that he’s been caught cheating once, and when testers showed up he threw a fit and destroyed evidence. Nothing at all lol.

But she doesn't have any world class skills so no one is trying to take her earning potential away from her. 

This! she was baiting him the whole time.  She knows damn well she’s batshit insane. 

Yeah, but you illustrate perfectly how shitty this situation is.

The biggest news here is KCTV5 doctored the audio and released a portion of it that made Hill look the worst. This cost him money and cost the taxpayers money as they reopened the investigation for another month because of it.

It is also apparent that it is his fiance who is recording him secretly, trying to goad him

I just can’t get past the fact that he keeps calling her ‘bro.’