Ruined Tortoise

Lets get this straight. The question was:  

You just can’t take the truth can you...

“There was only one problem: People on the internet were absolutely convinced Bernie’s army fought everyone, even though it was really just a small minority of them. In those days, internet people didn’t realize that they weren’t the majority, and journalists went along with it because pretending whatever was on

It seems to me like perhaps these companies should begin to offer their customers an opt out function. Meaning, if you have given them your DNA for the purposes of familial history research then, once the analysis is done, you should be able to have them destroy your given DNA. Sure they can keep a snapshot of their

Dear MAGA Losers With Small Penises:

The best part is that Trump encouraged them to do this. Obstruction as an article of impeachment just wrote itself.

Sally is the hero of that movie full stop.

Sally is the hero of that movie full stop.

Is Nightmare before Christmas a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?

Is Nightmare before Christmas a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?

If he quits he won’t get paid on his contract.

Choking and suffocating a person are completely different, like right Twix and left Twix.

I’ll always appreciate him because he was the first pitcher to win the Cy Young despite not winning many games thus pissing off all the old baseball people. 

That ankle twist was just about Burfict.

Brown being an asshole does not make the Raiders competent.

Nothing says "I'm innocent!" Like threatening your accuser. You want all the lawyers to have a copy of that so nobody can deny you did it. 

A moron who’s gotten away with this behavior his whole life bc he’s a star athlete.

What kind of moron sends threats in a GROUP text?  

You mean the jackass deadspin rushed to valiantly defend against incompetent GMs, saying he just needed an organization who would let AB be AB. That aged as well as a magary chili fart casserole.

I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with this guy. 

I've typed out like 6 different jokes but I can't bring myself to post any. This shit isn't funny. This fucker shouldn't be playing in the NFL right now making millions of dollars. He should be in jail or therapy or both. Fuck this guy.

There is likely far more information that what is presented here but there is no issue with having an independent contractor working for you at a price the hiring agency sets and both parties agree upon.