Ruined Tortoise

Umm. I’m not an Eagles fan? But ok.

I am absolutely stunned that someone who brings a casket to a tailgate might also have some questionable racial beliefs.

To paraphrase a great sports quote, the only thing he knows about business is that he can’t run one.

You seem like a perfect candidate for Trump University, they can give you a solid education in Trump branded ventures such as how to lose millions by owning a casino, how to lose millions in bad winery investments, and the most important business lesson Trump has learned is how to get bailed out by Daddy / duestche

You’re an idiot.

We will not rest until we learn the truth about how Tyler came into possession of these narcotics

I get the parent’s grief. But blaming some locker room attendant for running out to score him some drugs and not Skagg’s himself is some next level denial. His death is indeed tragic and I wish he got some help, but it was his decision to make this fatal mistake. Jamming up some underling is bullshit.

Do you miss 8chan? You’re on the wrong site, Cletus. Humans only. If you still support Trump, you are a fundamentally damaged person and I am ashamed to share 15 percent of my DNA with you. Go play in traffic. I’m done here. 

From the article:

“Three people were killed

That dude killed two women and a child and spent an hour running around naked, trying to tackle and wrestle police officers, who absolutely refused to use their service weapons against him, and if watching that video doesn’t tell you 100% the difference between how the police treat black people and white people,

“Better 100 innocent people be executed than one guilty man be spared!”

Huh, I can see how you would read it that way, but I think it’s a fair phrasing. We’re not talking about lung cancer here but rather acute, rapid-onset lung injury. So finding out specifically what is causing these events is important, given how common vaping is.

He actually says something really intelligent in the art of comedy that not many people don’t see: you have to workshop your stuff over and over before you nail a joke and a whole set. Comedy IS definitely about working things out in order to get a laugh from an audience.

Between this and Marianne Williamson

starting quarterback in the XFL baby

Okay but he sucked against SEC defenses too, so it's not like he was a promising prospect who needs seasoning. 

To be fair to Peterman, he was thrown in [sic] an awful situation, Buffalo

Bills fan here. To be fair to Peterman, he was thrown in an awful situation in Buffalo both when replacing Tyrod Taylor (as a rookie) and then as a starter/placeholder for Josh Allen in his 2nd year. He’s not mobile (and Buffalo’s line sucked) and he doesn’t have much experience reading pro defenses (hence the INT’s).