
Right. She chose to cruelly mistreat herself!

I’m beginning to think this guy isn’t even a real Phil.

That’s the mainstream republican Paul Ryan stance. Not the administration’s stance.

“And Hillary bored her comfortable winning margin into staying home on election day.”

What the fuck are you even angry about? That she lived in three places?

When did she ignore the midwest? As compared to Obama and Kerry and Gore, how was her approach specifically one of disrespect or neglect and theirs not? I want anybody of the same opinion to answer that question, because I never saw her ignoring or dismissing them. Lack of prioritization  you can argue, but not

Stupid people have always believed stupid things. If gen x didn’t eat up his shit on Austin public access, he would be no one today.

Ironically, that girl’s burn is hot enough to melt steel beams.

Not every college student is rich. When I was in college I worked 20 hours a week during the regular term (max allowed for student jobs) and 40 in the summer. While at the same time piling on crushing student loan debt (parental income just high enough not to qualify for any need based help and FAFSA is based on that

“six-figure debt”.

Also, most European nations are not as liberal as the straw men that we make them out to be. For example, we’re significantly to the left of Europe on banking regulations, yet your average American would probably think otherwise. Candidates being accused of getting into bed with the banks has effectively become an

You’d think so, but then you didn’t expect to have Trump do the following JUST THIS SUMMER:

But going left didn’t work either.

Point one is definitely true. Thing is, he’s ALREADY done worse than Nixon and his mouth breathing base still thinks he’s better than Hillary so they are happy he is president.

I don’t believe in final straws anymore. I thought “grab’em by the pussy” was the final straw for his candidacy, and that was a whole haystack ago. I don’t believe the GOP will do anything more than they’ve done. I think the current crowd would’ve rolled over for Nixon, and happily end any sense of rule of law as long

Away with your grey!

Conditions in 2020 will be very different than they were in 2004. If anything I’m worried that the Democratic field will be too huge, a la the 2016 GOP field. The sheer size of the field was one of the factors that allowed him to win.

I think there are two problems here:

1. No one, possibly including Trump’s own team, seems to really understand or have processed what happened to the electorate. I.e., what is Trump’s base in the long term and how much of it can go independent/stayhome/Democrat. It’s such a crucial calculation because if things are

Trump will promise pardons to the key players in the Mueller investigation, thus cutting Mueller’s balls off as far as any leverage he might have had over them. If things get really bad (for Trump that is), Trump will offer Pence the Nixonian deal of stepping down in exchange for a pardon for himself.