Because busing is and was and is wildly unpopular.
Because busing is and was and is wildly unpopular.
Probably because someone pointed out to her that bussing was wildly hated by most people and that if she actually supported it in a general election, she might as well just blow her own foot off right now.
Are you saying Diver, Hamill and Dern weren’t competent? I though Driver and Hamill did a good job. Dern was fine in a poorly written role.
You also have to understand that that better the public transportation, the more expensive the housing. If they improve access, costs just go up.
Nico is too good for Emma.
I thought this episode ranked right up there with the shit train episode in terms of ridiculousness. Chuck and his father have to still be running a con but it’s a very, very, very, very, detailed one.
Winning? She is a distant third in New Hampshire and a distant fourth in current Iowa polling. I wouldn’t want that kind of winning.
What she actually said was that a glass of water could win Cortez’s and Pelosi’s district. Which is absolutely true. Are you just opposed to the truth?
What she actually said was that a glass of water could win Cortez’s and Pelosi’s district. Which is absolutely true. Are you just opposed to the truth?
Given that Sanders now trails Biden notably in virtually every single national and statewide poll that I’ve seen (even in freaking New Hampshire), it would be a little disingenuous to suggest he was the frontrunner. His support has even notably dropped this weak, and I can’t tell why.
Good for him? Amy Klobuchar is a weak candidate.
Mike is 1 month shy of 89 years old.
He gets results you stupid John the Baptist!
It’s taken from Jeff Bezos (who took it from somewhere else I assume). For Bezos, the empty chair in the boardroom is supposed to represent their customer.
TiVo thinks I’m gay!
My understanding about news articles was that they were supposed to be written as if the readers only have a middle school education. Yet most titles around here seem securely aimed at right around 3rd grade. This thing is “bad”, that person is “good”. Who is the main “editor” on this site, Big Bird?
Graham might be the most contemptible Republican there is, just for his complete and total lack of loyalty to McCain following his death.
Hey Rafi, you stupid son of a bitch, he’s doing that because Trump just took a shit on McCain’s grave. It’s a way to attack Trump, you stupid son of a bitch. Boy, are you a stupid son of a bitch.
Two cups actually. Unfortunately it takes me 3 or 4 to get my act together.
Not the stuff from later seasons, definitely. But the bar Andy was playing in when he and Ann started the breakup, or the one he tried to get into with April, could definitely exist. And Schindler’s Lunch, of course.