
The fact that even one single person in this country, much less millions, believes that Jones is anything other than a performance artist/ huckster is just sad.

Hey Danette, care to raise me up out of the dark?

Yeah, it’s not quite the hell scape out there that everyone likes to pretend/joke about imagine. Also, if you want to see something interesting, compare the costs of education in 1980 to today AND TAKE INFLATION INTO ACCOUNT. I think a lot of people don’t know what inflation is.

We have a fundamental disagreement. I believe that the party has been going left for years. I see no selling of souls. This isn’t the party of Lieberman any more.

I agree with most of your latter points. But I believe that comparing us to other Western nations is pointless. Clinton is more conservative than a left winger in Norway. Of course. And I do believe that she ran to the left of Obama. Not massively to the left, but clearly more liberal. I’m not saying that’s why she

I am not quite as left wing on economic matters as some Democrats. Which is to say that I broadly want most of the same things that that many of those left wing Democrats do (I stop at full blown socialism right now) but I also don’t believe they are as easy to achieve, nearly as popular or quite as effective as other

Anyone who would vote or has voted for Trump regardless or race, creed, color, height, weight, gender identity, bank account size, belt buckle preference, comb size or favorite New Girl episode, is an absolute imbecile - at best.

In this last election we ran the most liberal campaign in decades. Our party in general has been pulling left for well over a decade (while the Republicans went hard HARD fucking right).

I don’t mean by the GOP. The GOP basically calls us all baby eaters at this point. We’re branded.

It’s the children who are wrong! (and I actually partly believe that one).

Young people are also carrying out the proud tradition of knowing very little in general, yet being absolutely certain they are right.

Demographics is destiny is a terrible plan. But going left didn’t work either. Going right would result in further erosion of the left flank. What the hell are our options?

Yep, for three President’s in a row now the voters have given them a second shot at the office. That’s a lot of years.

Gray. Always Gray.

The party can’t groom someone for office because that just gets called “DNC meddling”.

How about Brienne?

Yep, still grayed. And I like them in that order.

I’m probably still grayed. I like tits and I like Dragons.

Kinja apparently won’t let me respond or get out of fray so y’all won’t see this - but I’m pretty sure she would have been as roasted for that as Gore was for rolling his eyes at Bush. She could do no right.

Clinton dominated Trump in every debate. She destroyed him. One change here or there wouldn’t make much of a difference. And she would have been called out as too angry and forceful for it to boot.