And what about the 101st? It’s ok that he leaves one behind for Cruella? You’d traumatize those 100 puppy siblings with tortured memories of their lost brother or sister being skinned alive and turned into a fur glove just so this guy can get a pass?
Not sure that I’m 100% up on all the details, but from the context of the Obama quote, it sounds like his intention was to have a safe place for those children that *arrive* unaccompanied.
Maybe they’re shooting themselves in the foot or maybe they’re focused on propaganda that scales? After all, teach a cohort to register voters you may win one election. Teach a cohort to saturate the media inputs of all the existing voters and you win them all.
I actually came here to say this and I’m glad I scrolled thru the comments first. Well done.
Is “Allison Hart, Esq.” a dude? Or does (he|she|they) identify that way?
It’s because of all the customers asking the agents “tell me what you’re wearing”.
You call it Everybody Loved Raymond and it follows the disintegration of the family after Ray’s tragic mid-life crisis shatters the family’s stability. He runs away to Portland with the counter girl at the local stop and shop to open a deli. Then things get crazy when Robert moves in on Debra after divorcing Amy.
That is one *deadly* looking umbrella. I’m impressed.
I will go you one better! Where is socialism?!
That was kind of a long setup for a joke. It was a good joke, tho.
Even though you really can’t trust Wikipedia as far as you could throw it, I’d go for any of:
It is not a bad take. It is clearly either a:
Hey, 2012. This is 2018 calling. Your so-called “funny” comment is now reality. Who’s laughing now? Not me.
But if you don’t trust Bezos (aka ‘zero’ miles — a reference to how far you could throw him?) then fifty miles more trust is...
Traitorous! We have always been at war with EastAsia! Eurasia is one of our staunchest allies in this conflict.
My very favorite line from the article:
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You’re welcome. I appreciate the compliment. I think the original article was helpful, yet I also think that it was written from a very conservative perspective wrt both social and traditional media. The only thing I think the article missed out on was giving Netflix probable credit for having a method to their…