Ulysses S. Cocksman

Lovely piece of writing, thanks. Probably the closest thing we have in modernity is Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, I think.

the summary findings of your research appear damning at first glance, but i will withhold judgment until i see the full report

No drug or supplement can substitute for a really long

he was caught on the descent by what looked like Houston staffers (one is definitely wearing an Astros cap)

what did the ten fingers say to the face

To understand how much of shithole Lubbock is, just look at the lengths Buddy Holly went to avoid living there.

these are very bad teens


I think if HILLARY CLINTON had a son and she couldn’t stop INTIMATING how badly she wanted to FUCK HIM you would probably have a FEW WORDS to offer on the subject.

Do we need to watch the first season, or can we skip straight to two?

Rank the best Slack contributors. Bottom two get banished to their own private channel, #CrapIsland.

Merriam and Webster can both fuck right off then, because that’s some wrong-ass shit right there.

I think hair is pretty good. Red hair is nice, and other colors are good, too. Curly hair is cool, and straight is also cool, and the degrees in between are cool, too. If you don’t have any hair, that’s no problem. No hair is sort of like a specific type of hair, and that’s great. Good job, everyone, you look

Listen, Horse People, my dog does dressage every time I bring his food bowl to him, and he’s a spectacularly stupid animal. It’s not that hard.

I for one salute these officers’ brave stand against being against violence. In a world gone mad with anti-violent rhetoric, we need heroes like this to stand up, turn their backs on peace, and embrace the bright light of hostility.

Oh, the piano district!

The NYT piece is definitely a solid primer on how not to buy a piano, but if you specifically want to not buy a piano, proceed as follows:

I’ll just tiptoe in here at risk of being another woke bro caricature who found his way in from deadspin, but I wanted to say that this is outstanding. I typed a whole bunch of words here that I had to delete because they were rambling and dumb, but what I really want to convey is: 1) I’m proud of UT for defending the

In 1998, the Rockets had the 14th, 16th and 18th picks, but somehow left hometown high school star Rashard Lewis crying in the green room. Instead they took quasi-ok-ish Michael Dickerson, expired mayonnaise Bryce Drew and something called a Mirsad Turckan. The three combined for 156 total games played in Houston.