
She’s saying they are probably going to go on strike, and yes, it was, so I don’t know what grounds they would have to strike on as the decision was made per the CBA bylaws they agreed to.

Honestly? I hope this is the sign of things to come.

I’d love to know what, exactly, you think this has to do with the first amendment. Last I checked, Univision wasn’t the government.

Univision is Congress?

Personal foul. Ruffin the pisser. 15 yard penalty. First down.

Can we get a updated post on “Why your team sucks 2016" for the Chargers? I think any excuse for more of those columns is a good thing.

Hey Jordan, welcome to Deadspin. You’re the Condé Nast guy right?

I hope that’s what they mean because the idea that a super-talented DE who missed camp is therefore worthless for the next 4 months, even if he signed today, is classic NFL arrogant bullshit.

If you’re an agent with a guaranteed first round client in next years draft, don’t you do everything humanly possible to avoid getting drafted by the Chargers?

Ha, dude won’t slip from the top 20, maybe the top 10. He loses out, but not that much.

Bosa’s great-grandfather Tony Accardo was a Chicago mob boss and Al Capone’s body guard. So #1 checks out.

I inferred his ‘season was over’ because the NFL belief about the necessity of “training camp & 3 pre-season games”

Lulz. No way would he fall to the 4th next year. Maybe top of the 2nd. Maybe. Probably still in the 1st.

everyone....even chargers

So the Bolts are effectively angling to lose their 3rd overall pick for free.

Am I getting this right?

Nope. If he goes back into the draft next year, the Chargers are prohibited from drafting him.

The Chargers are that guy whose idea it is to get a pizza, but he doesn’t chip in

I think what they mean by “Bosa’s rookie year is over” is that if the idiots running the Chargers haven’t signed him yet, they’re not going to — especially after the attempt this week at changing the public narrative.

I want to play for the Chargers... said no one ever!

Now that you finished blowing him let us in on the joke.