You are bad and you should feel bad.
Marzipan. It is number one and I will accept no other answer.
I was given percoset after a c section and I took it only once. That shit scared me. The room swirled and drifted, my body was too heavy to move, breathing took conscious effort, and of course I couldn’t care for my newborn baby.
I got food poisoning from fresh salsa in a clean, in-hotel restaurant in Las Vegas. It was brutal puking for my entire plane ride home, having quarantine called on me to make sure I didn’t have ebola or whatever, but ultimately I was fine because food poisoning moves FAST.
Sapporo is best, all day every day.
Not to mention that Ramen was originally a Chinese dish co-opted by the Japanese. And Italy didn’t have access to tomatoes before they were brought back from South America, and..
Lady Baden-Powell formed the girl guides actually. *girl guide waves*
Houses now too! I mean, sort of...
I recently started ‘freebleeding’ on the light days of my period and I love it. I wear junky old panties and change them 2 or 3 times throughout the day. However, I think part of the reason it works for me is because I’m a stay at home mom. If I was in a professional environment I don’t think I could do it.
Thanks for the insightful reply! I have nothing to add other than to say that I agree completely.
I might put my MS paint skills to work :p
I’m so feeling your comments today.
Having been around Jez/Gawker as a lurker long before I took this handle; I’ve always found tomato face funny. Not his individual posts, nor the way he derails threads that otherwise would have been good, but the way he’s just so damn dedicated.
That is wonderful to hear!! You’re my favourite writer on this site so I am delighted to have you back :)