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    How do you bring yourself to make a puppy get out of bed on a cold morning? Do you sleep well at night? :P

    Puppies never get arthritis? Are you a vet?

    Isn't an unwillingness for physical exercise an indicator or arthritis amongst dogs?

    If Crysis 3 turns out to be decent, I wouldn't care if any Halo games ever came to PC again.

    It's funny, I jokingly said to my friend once: "I get the feeling that us guys (barring gynecologists) are going to be learning new things about the female anatomy until the day we die."

    "Someone who will let me help them maintain their own server"

    Castles and customization? That sounds familiar...

    That'll teach me for not reading carefully.

    Caucasians also don't always have a moustache, square jaws, or American flags sewn to their clothes, yet you'll see them portrayed that way more often than not in anime.

    Did you know that when Mulan (Disney) first came out, she was considered beautiful by her (American) designers but considered ugly by Chinese people? Caucasians and Asians have very different standards for what is considered 'beautiful'. So it's kind of annoying, if not downright sickening, for anyone to say "Well

    Different strokes for different folks. I don't care for it myself, but evidently a lot of people like it. Bunch of folks modded Skyrim using ENB to simulate a similar effect - I don't know why, it looks terrible, but they do it anyway. Bear in mind that ultimately you're still looking at a game on a 2D surface, visual

    That's the Depth of Field effect - that's how vision works in reality - things you aren't looking at go out of focus. Notice the water tower and the helicopter in the background are out of focus too. Realistic graphics aren't just about making things look clean and sharp.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    Yeah. Kind of reflects on Hollywood's unwillingness to innovate.

    So, Apple's devices are assembled in China, and Apple Maps revealed a radar station in Taiwan that was supposed to detect missiles launched from China?

    Not really. The only Asians actors who really fit that stereotype are Bruce Lee, Jet Li, maybe Donnie Yen (Ip Man) and Jackie Chan.

    You would think this could be something really cute. But that video... I don't believe I've ever seen anything quite so stupid.

    A proper Dark Souls modding website has been launched on the Nexus.

    I know. I'm not sure if I'm just too accustomed to David Attenborough, but that guy sounded like a complete moron.

    Oh great, screaming 12 year old boys in my post apocalyptic struggle to survive. What would even be the point?