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    Stealing? Now excuse me as I haven't been following this Dotcom thing very closely - but Megaupload has been shut down, and his servers have been seized by the FBI. He has been/is being punished already. Sitting around your mansion is not illegal, unlike the search warrant for the raid. What they're doing to him is

    Now playing

    I can just imagine this conversation 5 years down the line.

    I don't really find ramping up the difficulty to be a fun way of revitalizing the game. Master difficulty? Have fun reloading every 30 seconds near the start of the game because you just got one-shot by some archer. Heaven forbid if you don't have a mod that disables killmoves, you're gonna have people constantly

    Protip: It is a matter of courtesy that the patrons keep the wasabi away from the model's genitalia.

    So, I haven't been keeping up with any of the news for Windows 8. Can anybody tell me why I would want to upgrade from Windows 7?

    Depends what kind of MMO you're playing.

    I don't remember the film terribly well, but did it strike anyone as strange that Noomi Rapace just IGNORED the big squid baby that she cut out of herself until the end of the film? That nobody thought to ask questions about her condition afterwards? I mean, I know it was a big surprise to see the old guy was actually

    What makes me sad is that whenever I watch one of these found-footage style films with friends, there's always one idiot in the room who asks "Is this a true story?" or something equally depressing.

    A friend of mine once tried to spell Alzheimer's Disease with the help of spell-check - he ended up with "Altimeter's Disease". Maybe I'm just an asshole, but to put it bluntly, just about everything he types to me betrays a sense of laziness - if not downright stupidity.

    My solution is to just never like any posts, EVER. That way people don't expect you to do anything.

    Hi! I'm Asian! They have entire shops dedicated to selling Ocarinas in Taiwan!

    Has nobody considered the possibility that his email account was compromised or something?

    You can't help but feel some envy for these kids' naive idealism. Oh, to be able to grow up in a simpler world.

    Is that... is that a REC reference?

    Wasn't there another article on io9 a couple years ago explaining that it was the square-cube law that meant there would be no giant insects?

    I don't know about that. When I talk to my relatives in Taiwan, they despise the Chinese government with a passion but inside they still all identify as Chinese people because that's where we come from. When it comes to people they don't like, I believe Koreans take the cake on that one.

    How do you even do that? I mean, didn't Koreans originally come from the Chinese mainland in the first place?

    I think every continent has one country or state that nobody else really likes.

    The PC Borderlands community was active, but rampant with OP modded weapons. Of course, people did the same thing on Xbox anyway.

    I heard that you need a pretty beastly PC to run this game smoothly. Thoughts?