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    io9 should do an article on Junji Ito's scariest stories.

    That sounds like an interesting movie - what is it?

    That article was published right here on io9, I believe.

    Could you really expect him to give a straight answer? It's a difficult question, and personally I can't think of an answer that's different to everything that has already been said throughout the ages. The gaming community is sexist, but it's improving. Female character designs still shameless play into the 'sex

    STILL no release date?!

    Wikipedia has about as many errors as the Encyclopedia Britannica.

    The inclusion of all sports in the term 'athletics' by free dictionaries is simply a case of laxness in the language, the term does refer to a specific set of activities.

    Alright I stand corrected! Stop telling me your stories!

    Not only are you getting your terms mixed up, you're making yourself look like a douche in the process. An athlete (the proper use of the term) is someone who is involved in Athletics. Athletics is an exclusive collection of sporting events that involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking (which does

    I bet you'd have difficulty finding guys who would give one to their girlfriends as presents though.

    If you watched a couple of tournaments, you would find that very few of the competitors look overweight. Most of them look normal-size.

    < comment removed >

    I've played the MechWarrior series, so can anyone explain the appeal of the game to me? At first glance it just seems like a glorified tank simulator.

    Whenever there's an article about the world population increasing, all the photos seem to be of non-white ethnic groups crowding up public places.

    Sounds kind of like the Big Bang Theory theme...

    "Get some Lori ass" - hearted.

    I reckon the new controller will bring up some interesting possibilities for the RPG genre. Here's to hoping for another game from Monolith Studios (<3 Xenoblade)

    Isn't that what they said about Kinect and Move? I mean, Move was kind of a bomb but Kinect is seeing some good action.

    Otakus never bring gifts?

    I'm neither of those unfortunately, but guess whose mind doesn't work that way? :P