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    I have a poster of the 24 times tables. It's like the 12 times tables, but double.

    Don't be so quick about condemning women for being shallow. Imagine you go out with a girl and you walk into her room, and it's full of posters of Cloud Strife, Adam Jensen, Gordon Freeman, Tom Selleck, Leonardo DiCaprio, [insert sexy men here]...

    The mods will be filling up your hard drive soon.

    I can understand not dressing up as a Geisha because of the prostitution thing, but I don't see that there's anything wrong with a Kimono by itself. All women in Japan probably wear them at one point or another in their lives.

    Took me 10 seconds to get the second meaning in this picture...

    I think you're thinking of 'fur'.

    I was rather disappointed that there were next to no boss fights in Dead Space 2. I've been playing games since I was two, and what's an action RPG without boss fights?

    Just gonna leave this here...

    Pretty sure there was another service that I once saw linked to by Piratebay, which did basically the same thing as described here. The link has since disappeared though.

    Aw... but I like using Oni :(

    If you want a truly immersive game experience, you gotta make one yourself.

    They're not complicated, but making them is an extremely long tedious process. Every character model has to animated in 5 different directions and then you've got stuff like clothing which affects the look of your model as well, etc. etc. It's not like they have a huge team of Korean animators doing this for them.

    Are you taking this personally? Try and reframe this guy's responses as a 1-on-1 conversation with the individuals who gave him shit - what is so wrong and douchebag-like about retaliating to someone who is undoubtedly an even greater douchebag? Not everyone can be a saint when it comes to this sort of thing.

    Um, because the game itself is actually good and loved by many people? They're selling a product here, they're not offering an escort service. You don't have to boycott every Disney movie because Walter D. was a racist. You don't have to boycott Boyscouts of America because they discriminate against gays and atheists

    Anyone who messaged him? You mean everyone who insulted him, who accused him of being a scammer, and giving him shit about no offsite backup - which he already apologized for - for the millionth time?

    They do have offsite backup - 'just none recently'.

    How exactly are abortions misogynistic if only 50% of fetuses aborted are female? That sounds like equality to me.

    Just by observing my friends, I can safely say that as the amount of time since you last had a fuck increases, the probability that a man will just fuck anyone approaches 1.

    There was an article either here or there some time ago that says the most common cause of food poisoning from salads and sandwiches is onions (or something), NOT the mayonnaise. The reasoning is that the pH in mayonnaise deters bacterial growth.

    Picture disappeared for some reason.