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    Well that makes me feel better about Whedon... anyway, my point is simply that the pronunciation was rape on my ears.

    The biological implication of the term "Hive Mind" is that there is only ONE per colony that gives all the instructions to the drones and the like... having several hive minds kind of defeats the purpose of having a hive mind in the first place.

    Firefly was a good show, but as a native Mandarin speaker I could never get used to the horrendous Mandarin spoken by the actors. Though I gather most viewers wouldn't have that problem.

    So nobody takes issue with the fact that the Hive Mind is the name of the last boss in Dead Space 1?

    That's true. Although, you're getting pretty much what you're paying for.

    Speaking of popcorn... I'm just gonna leave this here.

    Ironically, this article is causing people to start fighting in the comments section.

    Honestly I think when they decided to give Samus a voice the end result was destined to be something that a large number of us were not gonna be happy with. While I'm not particularly fond of the Other M rendition of Samus, I think I would have been equally annoyed at a Michelle Rodriguez tough-broad type as well.

    We're talking about a suit that can change into a ball on command. No, I don't think anything can do that currently.

    Wait, I didn't know those Easy bake ovens actually cooked anything.

    Looks like Team Ninja's matured in the way of female character design... I hope they make this game difficult, but not cheap.

    Put it this way, it's probably gimmicky to the 'computer pros'. This sort of interface may be appealing to people who don't know their PCs inside out, but Metro is currently having zero appeal to me.

    I'm hoping they'll include Lee Chaolan, he was the only character I played during my brief encounter with Tekken 4.

    Which is why I'm wishing this guy will continue to support this with more features. There's nothing I want more than something that will allow me to share files between two computers without having to mess with fucking Security Permissions. I don't suppose you know a remedy?

    Here's to hoping that the guy continues to support this with more features.

    As far as I know, no. Neither copy-paste nor drag and drop works, Synergy doesn't make your computers share clipboards.

    I like that your character actually looks attached to the ground in this game. In Fallout if I use console commands to increase my speed a little I suddenly find myself falling in steps down a hill.

    It's funny, watching Action Delivery Force you might be inclined to think that it's exaggerating what animes do.

    Perhaps you've never had running shits in your life.

    Japan and Austria need their own sitcom.