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    The picture - is that the guard from The Green Mile?!

    Can anybody explain the differences between Battlefield and CoD to me?

    The most inexplicable thing about this is... AUSTRALIA? The country that bans everything, including Left 4 Dead, is going to release this uncut?

    Even without the community, the Moba genre itself is notoriously noob-unfriendly. Like Team Fortress 2, really. But it gets significantly better as you rise through the ranks of the game. You will have to deal with trolls smurfing on low level accounts at first but the experience of the game itself is well worth it.

    Yes, I've seen the opposite for Macs. And honestly, I wouldn't blame people if they still have a bad taste left in their mouth after those "Mac vs. PC" ads that Apple did a few years ago. Those were undeniably pretentious and annoying. But for the most part you are right, people mock things that they don't understand

    Or maybe because some people like to discuss the merits and drawbacks of different OSes? What is it about Mac users that they might assume PC users are being hostile or that they have an inferiority complex? There are dicks on both sides of that fence, and I'm sure the answer to your question isn't that mystifying.

    I think most of us could care less whether or not you're a real gamer. The simple reality is without access to the Windows OS you're basically at the mercy of big corporations, you only get to play what they choose to release for the Mac. And if you already have a decent rig for gaming, there is no sense in buying

    From the League forum announcement:

    Almost as old as these cyclical arguments are the arguments which point out the cyclical nature of these arguments. It happens with all things that are categorically defined into opposing groups. Religion, political ideals, Coke vs. Pepsi etc.

    I'm not quite sure you fully understand the differences between LoL and Dota. There are many, and they are significant. But you can't fully understand it without having played both games extensively so I'll leave that alone.

    The most reasonable thing that could be said about this was said by someone yesterday on the forums.

    Not trying to pick a fight with you, but League has 15 million registered users, while HoN has what, under a million? Riot's revenues probably far exceed that of S2 Games. They have already 'overtaken' HoN.

    I never understood why they went from Blue aliens to Pink aliens.

    Fuck that Captain Planet has huge nostrils.

    I feel I should mention that every time I watch a found-footage film with a group of friends, there is always, ALWAYS, one person in the room with the nerve to ask: "Is this real?"

    Does this sound like "Will require a constant internet connection - with added benefits" to anybody?

    On occasions I want to use a very strong password, I use: ratshitbatshitdirtyoldtwat sixtynineassholestiedinaknot01

    Red hair, green eyes. Did Bioware read my mind, or is that actually a pretty popular look for players?

    It was half my childhood. Yes, yes it was.

    It's like Herpes. Once you get it, you're stuck with it.