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    It's not.

    Here, take this jacket. It must be cold up there on your pedestal.

    I really don't see why people are all over DNF's humor.

    Actually, there IS rape (sort of)...

    Well duh! Why else would male Link bother saving Zelda? Just to be a good guy? Guys don't do chicks any free favors. Maybe girls do each other free favors, I dunno...

    From my experience using BitComet, 'aggressive' means that it downloads a lot of incorrect data.

    Because then you would either have a female hero named Link trying to save a prince named Zelda, or you would have a female hero trying to save a princess. Lesbian connotations.

    I think it'd be fun if the weapon upgrade and collection system worked just liked Otogi, where you either found the weapons at some obscure point on the map or you had to complete certain objectives like kill the huge freaking Hydra to get the Orchid Malevolence.

    But the Wii U is gonna be backwards-compatible with the Wii anyway, no? I saw that you could use the Wii remote with the Wii U so that's most likely the case. I don't see how this is 'betraying' it's fanbase, this can be seen as an upgrade like the 360 elite or the PS3 slim. Except it's a less shameful upgrade.

    Seems like some sort of sinister ploy to trick Microsoft and Sony into producing even more super-powerful consoles at a price that nobody can afford. When that happens, Nintendo will make a killing for another couple years.

    Some are edible.

    I've enjoyed the game so far. This is the first Duke Nukem game I've played. People have told me that the Duke was all about personality, and sure enough this game has a metric butt-load of personality. You thought Bulletstorm had some coarse language? Nay...

    Homophobe, or just a bad comedian?

    "Mine's about four inches."

    Does anyone know if Lee is gonna be in this game? When I played Tekken 4 he was the only character that I could play marginally well. Also thought he looked cool.

    If Nintendo can bundle some sort of graphics software that can do even half the things that Photoshop can, there's your killer app right there.

    True, but it's easier to produce great music when you can actually play.

    I suppose you didn't. Still, when you buy a console, it's only 'cutting edge' for about 6 months.

    1500 hundred people had nothing better to do that day.

    Eh, this game is coming out on 3rd gen consoles, no? Technology from 5-6 years ago is hardly 'cutting edge'.