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    @TF: Gargh. That one's not working. Let's hope 3rd time's a charm.

    My bad.

    As long as it's skill-based, I will play this game.

    That... is one messed up looking Pikachu.

    @anduin1: Let's hope a /b/tard doesn't run for office...

    @rathorial: "I'm still waiting for the older generation to die off..."

    Just the bullshit issue of the month...

    @Chyfine: Private businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone. But the hotel can't just kick them out themselves, they probably need the police to do it.

    @D-K: Please elaborate with sources.

    Some survival horror game could really use the ideas from this game.

    Damn, somebody beat me to the punch. Oh well...

    Didn't Obama once say that video games are a waste of time, or something like that? I'm fairly certain he expressed anti-gaming sentiments at one time or another.

    Those guys better get paid loads for that.

    I thought those octupi were the tanks from Ghost in the Shell.

    Yeah, a Gyarados is like 10 times larger than that.

    I thought there were originalyy gonna be four...

    I always felt action sequences in many live action movies seemed heavily edited and unrealistic.