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    @AcidCrownie: Well, I played Prey last week. It felt really generic then. I don't know what people thought when it first came out.

    What was it about Section 8 that most people didn't like? Or was it simply too generic, like Prey?

    People should also take a look at the law of large numbers.

    That's some scary shit.

    Admittedly I haven't seen many of the birth scenes listed here, but I think the one from Texas Chainsaw Massacre: New Beginning should have been on here.

    It'll only be used for laptops etc. imo.

    Strictly speaking, all of the water we drink today has probably been urine (or some other equally disgusting liquid solution) at some point during time.

    Is it really any coincidence that these seriously suggestive looking creatures were discovered by JAPANESE divers?

    If complexity necessitates a creator, wouldn't a creator need a creator?

    4 years late to the motion-sensing party, but okay.

    If you're trying to repurpose existing electronics around the house for your erotic purposes... why not just stick with the electric toothbrush?

    @ill_fated: Really? Stick your hand in molten metal? And come out relatively uninjured? It befuddles the imagination.

    @corme: What secret boss do you refer to?

    I just wish that I understood...

    No doubt this will absolutely ruin your counter no matter what surface you're using.

    What, no Doctor Farnsworth? His death clock was pretty cool.

    I was in my office one day trying to jerk off. Then this intern suddenly walks in and I accidentally jerked off all over her.

    Will this game expand on the story of Desmond and the piece of Eden? Are we going to see Desmond develop more advanced assassin skills?

    ...And yet these people have no problem telling people on the interwebs?

    I just realized... the pokemon characters have vertical pupils!